Monday, January 07, 2008

Best of 2007

Another year has passed an it's time to sum up on the best of 2007. Here are the winners! As last year runner ups are more of less ranked.



Runner ups:
Clerks II
El Laberinto del Fauno
Letters from Iwo Jima
The Kingdom

Comment: All really awesome movies, and very different movies, which makes it hard to choose which is better. However Transformers had something special and gave me that great feeling that you can do anything ;).

TV Show

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip

Runner ups:
The Class
Gossip Girl
How I Met Your Mother
Friday Night Lights

Comment: Beside an awesome cast (Matthew Perry!) this show just really hit it for me. I found the whole plot really interesting. Sadly it was cancelled already after it's first season, a great loss for TV.


Hilary Duff - Never Stop

Runner ups:
Avril Lavigne - Hot
Mandy Moore - Can't You Just Adore Her?
Andrea Corr - Champagne From A Straw
Alicia Keys - No One

Comment: For more than half a year I've been completely sure which song would win this catagory. Very unlike the last two years, where this catagory was really hard to decide. Don't get me wrong, the other songs are really good too, it's been a good year for music, but Never Stop is just awesome. Simply can't sit still when listening to it, and it got such a simple yet beautiful message. Might be the second best song ever.


Mandy Moore

Runner ups:
Hilary Duff
Avril Lavigne
Britney Spears
Natasha Bedingfield

Comment: Bought her best of in the begginning of the year which has a lot of great songs, such as her songs from A Walk To Remember which has an awesome soundtrack. And her new album Wild Hope from the spring was really beautiful.


Kristen Bell

Runner ups:
Avril Lavigne
Hayden Panettiere
Britney Spears
Hilary Duff

Comment: I saw Veronica Mars over the summer and ever since I've been completely in love with her. Which by the way also was awesome, too bad it's cancelled too.



Runner ups:
Celebrity Movie Archive

Comment: By iGoogle I mean the entire google. It's just got so many useful things and I don't know how I should survive without it.


October 25. - Drove firetruck with blue lights

Runner ups:
February 22. - Most snow in almost a decade
June 30. - Graduation party
December 24. - Christmas eve

Comment: It's been the only alarm I've been on so far. Beside that it was exciting to drive with blue lights blinking (and with max 50km/h) it was somewhat of a kick to be there, thought not much happened. I think I haven't written a post about, I'll try to do that.

Blog Entry

Current situation

Runner ups:
Snow at last
Avril La -FUCKING- vigne

Comment: Well, read it.

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