Sunday, June 12, 2005


I did make the fast end style. Saturday I found a little easier way of doing it. I played some doing the day saturday and made two finishes 1.25 and 1.20. Then after watching Star Wars IV in the evening I played again, I played untill I made it. And luckily I made it rather fast, and got 1.09. Today results were announced and yeah 26th \o/ Which more than doubled my overall points. Now 57th overall. Would be nice to get in top 50 atleast.

Saturday was first day in summer holiday (still have a single exam though), and it felt so nice. I didn't have that feeling I tend to have during weekends "only 2 days before school again, what to do, I don't want to waste the time" and such. I could just do whatever I felt like. So in the evening I saw Star Wars IV A New Hope with my family. (as you could read earlier I bought the DVD collection with the three old Star Wars movies.) It was a very long time ago I saw it last, can't really remember if I've seen it more than once before. I couldn't remember anything about what happened in the movie. So was nice to see it, especially when I've now seen the three new movies.

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