Monday, April 11, 2005

Weekend Trip

This weekend I was in a Summerhouse with some relatives. We where 14 people. The house has 20 km2 swimming pool, spa bath, sauna and sun cheating thingie. Time was used with swimming, talking, playing cards and stuff.

It was indeed a nice weekend. Saturday night, we (4 of us) drank Bacardi Razz a little after midnight I think. And around at 2:30 we (3 of us) took into the pool and the spa. That was fun. :) Could write much more, but doesn't feel like, I will keep it to a few picture comments. When we were drinking Bacardi Razz. The pool, roller coaster and spa. Lock on a litter box? hmm... I were at the beach 3 times, pretty cold though.

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