The semester ended with a B in both subjects, quite nice after the C and E last semester. After the last exam my class had a grill party to celebrate and another smaller one a couple of days later for those of us who were not at Roskilde Festival. Two nice evenings. The day after that it was the third of july, my mothers birthday. Danish rock band Magtens Korridor played at Tivoli here in Århus that day which my parents wanted to see, so they came here for that and at the same time I could come home with them. My siblings were at Roskilde and scout camp, so it were just the three of us. We eat at Tivoli, a nice buffet, before the concert, and eventhough it's not the kind of music I usually hear it was a fine concert.
The next weekend was the time of the Britney Spears concert at Parken, Copenhagen, for which I had bought a ticket. I borrowed my mothers car and drove to Århus the day before, so the trip on the day of the concert were a little shorter. Before driving to the concert I went across the border to Germany to buy some cheap soda and booze. Some six 24 packs soda, one 24 pack cider, a Morgan rome and some candy. Then to Copenhagen. It was an awesome concert in some ways, but in some other ways not so much. It was probably the most spectacular scene show in any concert ever. However it was playback except for 'Everytime' which was quite beautiful. Anyway I wouldn't wanna have missed it, but I do hope next time she drops the big scene show and sings instead :).
Since I wasn't going on any vacations this summer I was hoping to watch a lot of Tour De France, which I did, and a lot of July went with that. After the concert I got a flu which lasted almost 2 weeks :/ So that caused me to be very little active in the middle of July. On the 18th it was my birthday, so the day before (because my brother was going to a wedding on the actual day) we, my parents and siblings, took on a small trip. First to this place were they've made a miniature copy of the world (picture), a place I've wanted to go for a long time. After that we went to Mariager, a small city at the coast, where we walked around a bit and got something to eat.

After that the two last stages in Tour De France. The absolut highlight of which were ofcourse dane Nicky Sørensen's stage win, and a beautiful one at that. His facial expression when driving across the finish line was so awesome (picture). As you should know Contador won, not exactly my favourite rider after him getting a free victory in 2007. A goal of mine this year was to find a new rider to cheer on in the years to come, preferably someone young I can see improve in the coming years. This since my previous favourites are not the Tour anymore, such as Indurain, Mancebo and Rasmussen. Hopefully one of two of these will be back though. However I noticed Tony Martin as a good candidate. Apart from a single mountain stage where he lost a lot he did quite nice and hopefully in the years to come he can do even better. And ofcourse I can't help but like the Shlecks.

In end july my grandfather was sent to the hospital, bad heart, after couple of days there were talks of him being sent home, but he suddenly got much worse and died the 2nd august, with funeral the 7th.
On the 8th I went back to Århus for a movie night with some of my classmates. We saw Hot Shots! Part Deux, Ghost Busters, Die Hard, Dawn of the Dead, Team America: World Police. Many of which not really my normal type of movie, but despise that and the awful pizza it was a nice night.
I stayed in Århus the next two weeks not doing that much. I started cycling every two or three days untill I got a flat tire. This happened while I was cycling home from Bilka were I bought a new camera. A Canon Ixus 110 is.

I went back to my parents place for the last week because of two parties the last two weekends. First was a 22 birthday party with one of my friends from high school. Awesome party, seeing some of my old friends that I don't see that often anymore. The next weekend was the wedding of one of my parents old friends. This was the first wedding I ever been to, so that was kind of exciting eventhough it was pretty low key. Next day I went back to Århus to get ready for the new semester.
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