Tuesday, June 05, 2007

First three exams

During last week and the week before I had my three first exams, they were all written exams. Danish, Math and Spanish. In the danish exams I wrote an argumentation analysis of an article about cycling and doping. For math there was pretty many exercises, but I managed to make them all in time except one which I didn't knew how to make. Spanish was some text about child labour, for which there were some questions, a translation and an exercise where I had to write a letter. All in all I think they all went fairly ok.

There's still some time till the next exam, which is the 12. The four exams left are all oral. Next one is danish, but I've been reading for the spanish the last few days, as the two next exams are coming quite close after (15. and 18.). The last exam though isn't untill the 27. Beside danish, it's IT, spanish and law.

But daaaame it's boring to read for exams ;(


Unknown said...

still have exams? I harred mine the 16th of may (dutch, maths), the 22nd (english, history), the 28th (chemistry), the 30th (physics) and the 1st of june (classic greek), and I'll be hearing about the results tomorrow.

Kopaka said...

dame quite early summer holiday you have then? Danish school summer holiday has recently been pushed forward two weeks because weather usually was better in august, so doesn't start untill around last days of june.

Unknown said...

the official holidays start the 5th of july for me ;) but I haven't done school since 2nd of june.

I guess my studies will start round end august/begin september