Sometime in early January we decided to have an FVANG LAN at my place this weekend.
Around 14:00 enil, Napol and Zerox arrived in enil's car. As they fixed up computers I had some lunch, and when I came back I realised I hadn't thought of any switch for the LAN. So enil quickly called epp, so he could bring Napol's. epp had to work untill 14:00 or something so he arrived later. While waiting for epp to arrive we played to battles, and basketball on my basketball game.
epp arrived around 17:00. As he fixed up comp we attached Napol's switch to our internet. However it did not work. Luckily epp bought his router aswell. It worked, had only four ports though, but that was no problem as I did wireless.
However a short time afterwards when we were going to play smultronet I could not connect. As I consulted my father I remembered my little sister has a switch. So we tried that one and it worked. \o/ I could not connect before as the router creates some kind of under network.
For dinner my parents bought some family pizzas. Some hawaii and kebab were eaten. That was nice for my stomach. Rest of the night was spent with some battling and smultronet. And random stening ofcourse.
Around 21:00 we drove 5 km to the nearest shop, to get some soda and chips ect. Around 3:00 we went to bed.
When everyone had woken up the next day we had some bread for breakfast. A few days before the LAN we had talked about going to Jesperhus in order to play bowling. So in the afternoon we booked a lane for two hours. Firstly Zerox tried to book, but failed. Then a short time after I tried and succeded.
Apart from that the afternoon was spent with some more battling, smultronet and stening. Also epp, enil and napol played a game of Dota.
My parents cooked a nice dinner, which we rushed a bit through in order to get to the bowling place in time, which were at 20:00. epp ruled. He won the first two games, Zerox won the third. In the last game of which we only played 7 rounds before the time went out, epp won again and I was second. Apart from the last round I sucked pretty hard.
Back we had a few beers and more battling and smultronet. And some leeching obviously. Around 2:00 we made some toasts, and went to bed around 4:00.
In the morning my father had bought rundstykker. After that some last time leeching and such.
They all left a little past 14:00.
PS. Battle results are intentionally left out of this entry, all to say is that I won two and enil won far too many.
PSS. I'll upload pictures later.