The 26 after christmas day at some relatives I played a little enigma, an hour max. After doing lab pro bounce and other stuff I might be able to do this finally. The day after I played some more and after some playing, I did it. I got 33, an improvement of around 17 seconds. It feels so nice doing all these shortcuts so easily.
So yesterday I played some serpents tale again. I made 1:07 with the new style some time ago, with a really mongo run. Didn't took much playing before I made the style again and got 1:01. This means my TT is now 44:20,xx. Getting more certain that I will be able to make two more minut limit breaks. Atleast 43 should be around the corner.
Short time ago I was really hoping for an elma 2 to come soon, but after my "rediscovering" of internals I really hope there will be past atleast a half year before elma 2. If it really is on the way that is.
Everyday life, adventures and thoughts from within the life of a digital designer, gamer and real life pretend jedi.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
December 20. Movies
Last normal school day. In spanish we saw start of 1492, in business economy we saw The Dukes of Hazzard and in danish the last of Hannibal. :D
Christmas song of the day: None
Christmas song of the day: None
December 19. Trivial Pursuit
Second last normal school day. Hence we didn't do very much in the lessons, some random games and stuff. In afsætning I played trivial pursuit with teacher and four girls, I was on team with teacher and they girls made two teams. The girls got children questions and we got adult questions. We couldn't win then, one of the childrend questions were "What the danish name of the american TV-show friends?" :I
Christmas song of the day: None
Christmas song of the day: None
December 18. King Kong
Today we drove to Ålborg to get my brother. We had planned to walk some around in the city and then go watch King Kong in the cinema. So we got there, took a look at my brother and his two roomies new table football game. 8D Then we took down to the city. Some random shopping. For lunch we went to this place called "Duus' wineceller". Took around half an hour for them to make the food, so me and my brother went to this poster store ( ;-) ) while waiting. I bought a silk flag with Nigthwish on it. 8DD Pretty big. Food weren't that good, atleast not mine. Then a little more shopping before going to cinema. Nice movie indeed, just sad that Kong dies. :-I
Then we headed home and ordered pizza. :D
Christmas song of the day: None
Then we headed home and ordered pizza. :D
Christmas song of the day: None
December 17. Doing nothing
Finally a day where I had like nothing to do. Well except english project. Didn't do that much, but enough. Damn, didn't went that well writing these every day, can't remember a fack what I did. :)
Christmas song of the day: Den hemmelige tunnel - Tak for en herlig dag
Christmas song of the day: Den hemmelige tunnel - Tak for en herlig dag
Saturday, December 17, 2005
December 16. One present bought
When I got home from school I saw some Friends and boogie (danish music program). Been three weeks since I last saw boogie, sucks. They send it every week. Afterwards I did some serious online christmas presents shopping. Ordered a DVD for my brother. I just hope it will arrive in time, ordered from cd-wow.
Otherwise pretty normal day. Had to pick up my dad around 1 in the night from company christmasa party. It began to snow in the evening.
Otherwise pretty normal day. Had to pick up my dad around 1 in the night from company christmasa party. It began to snow in the evening.
Friday, December 16, 2005
December 15. Labyrinth Pro Bounce
It's soon christmas so I'm beginning to think of some christmas presents. Most likely gonna buy atleast for sister from
I played some more labyrinth pro in the evening. And suddently I bounce up to the flower, with a kinda weird hop, but somehow I got there and get's the apple. The words "oh my god" comes out of my mouth. I drives rest of level kinda safe, but still not too slow. 2:47,54. Around 37 seconds faster than the one time I (almost accidentily) set yesterday. This also means I got under 45 minutes TT with a smash. 44:45,54 now. Suddenly I got lots of motivation to play more internals.
A few years ago we, our family, rented this place to play badminton, one hour every week. Not that long ago we decided to do that again, and so today was the first time. Shape not that good and long time since I've played much badminton. At the end we played very short tournament, all played each other, I lost to my sister and father, so ended third.
Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
I played some more labyrinth pro in the evening. And suddently I bounce up to the flower, with a kinda weird hop, but somehow I got there and get's the apple. The words "oh my god" comes out of my mouth. I drives rest of level kinda safe, but still not too slow. 2:47,54. Around 37 seconds faster than the one time I (almost accidentily) set yesterday. This also means I got under 45 minutes TT with a smash. 44:45,54 now. Suddenly I got lots of motivation to play more internals.
A few years ago we, our family, rented this place to play badminton, one hour every week. Not that long ago we decided to do that again, and so today was the first time. Shape not that good and long time since I've played much badminton. At the end we played very short tournament, all played each other, I lost to my sister and father, so ended third.
Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
December 14. Tragic Kingdom
Short day in school so time for another Lindsay Lohan movie. Today it was Confessions of a teenage drama queen. Still had some chips leftovers from monday so a nice afternoon it was :).
Later same day the QXL auction with No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom ended, I had only bid so got it for 1.34€. Max cheep for such an legendary album ;). Seller is kinda slow so might not come before next week.
Tried out some Labyrinth Pro bounce today, mostly train level but also some in real level. Found out that it's easiest with vsync off for some odd reason, normally everyone says bounces are easiest with off, lab pro must somehow be different. I got up on the platform once but didn't get the flower because I was facing left... For the first time in my elma life I thought I actually had a shot a doing the bounce sometime.
Christmas song of the day: Den Hemmelige Tunnel - Tak For En Herlig Dag.
Later same day the QXL auction with No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom ended, I had only bid so got it for 1.34€. Max cheep for such an legendary album ;). Seller is kinda slow so might not come before next week.
Tried out some Labyrinth Pro bounce today, mostly train level but also some in real level. Found out that it's easiest with vsync off for some odd reason, normally everyone says bounces are easiest with off, lab pro must somehow be different. I got up on the platform once but didn't get the flower because I was facing left... For the first time in my elma life I thought I actually had a shot a doing the bounce sometime.
Christmas song of the day: Den Hemmelige Tunnel - Tak For En Herlig Dag.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
December 13. Suckage
Long school day. At home I downloaded rest of Counter Strike because irl friend asked me to play yesteday. Played maybe two minutes, then I tried the cheat I had but couldn't get it working and stopped playing. We heard today that it would cost 2685€ to repair the car, two whole new cars, good thing we have insurance.
Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
December 12. Freaky Friday
School again. We are starting with some revision in a few subjects becuase of the tests around christmas. Math test 21 Dec. Spanish 5 Jan. Business Economi 6 Jan. When I got home I continued my Lindsay Lohan proect and saw Freaky Friday. I was home alone so I made a frozen pizza to eat whilst. However when I took it out of the oven I dropped it on the floor upside down. :-I So I had to make a new one. Second time I saw Freaky Friday, it's one of my favourite movies and have in my opinion the maybe best soundtrack of any movie. <3>
Christmas song of the day: None
Christmas song of the day: None
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
December 11. Meeting
We got up, had a battle or two more, played more internals. Leeched from each other and played this fun game Lightbikes. To bad Zerox, nap and epp had to go home early, 2 o' clock. Me and vk stayed for around an hour more. We said farewell, I drove vk closer to busstop and drove home, well tried to that is, drove maybe 15 - 20 kms in the wrong direction. Got home around 17:40. Parents took the thing with the car quite nice. Then max relax rest of day.
Christmas song of the day: Juice, SOAP, Christina & Remee - Let Love Be Love
Christmas song of the day: Juice, SOAP, Christina & Remee - Let Love Be Love
December 10. Long day
Saturday morning only time this weekend I did have anything to do. In the afternoon some relatives were coming for the annual christmas decorations making day. 8D As always a nice day. Made to christmas hearts, 4 to and from cards and two elfs on sticks with nut hats. Afterwards I drove to Århus to petsen's place for the meeting. Longest drive I've done so far. Went well untill I got to Århus, used around an half an hour finding the place. But I got there, unpacked comp and we played a single battle before we went to McDonalds.
We we got back there were no parking places just outside his place so I had to drive backwards for a while, it was quite dark so I oversaw this small woodpost with metal thing on top of it and drove into it with the whole one side of the car. The car got a long deep scratch and 3 dents, one of which quite big :(. I think that's the first time I've ever said "oh my god" in present of other people ;). I drove in our new Peugout.
We got back in and played a few more battles and some random internals mostly. I made 57,70 in downhill, made 59 two days before at home. Had 1:03 before that. I should be able to get an even better time.
Christmas song of the day: De Nattergale - It's good to be a nissemand
We we got back there were no parking places just outside his place so I had to drive backwards for a while, it was quite dark so I oversaw this small woodpost with metal thing on top of it and drove into it with the whole one side of the car. The car got a long deep scratch and 3 dents, one of which quite big :(. I think that's the first time I've ever said "oh my god" in present of other people ;). I drove in our new Peugout.
We got back in and played a few more battles and some random internals mostly. I made 57,70 in downhill, made 59 two days before at home. Had 1:03 before that. I should be able to get an even better time.
Christmas song of the day: De Nattergale - It's good to be a nissemand
December 9. Christmas Party
Turned out that the small meeting was gonna happen anyway, but I was still going to christmas party(julefrokost) this night, so had to wait untill saturday to get there. Anyway I went to this christmas party at 6 o' clock. Was great fun, home around 2.
Christmas song of the day: Drengene Fra Angora - Jul I Angora
Christmas song of the day: Drengene Fra Angora - Jul I Angora
Saturday, December 10, 2005
December 8. Nothing
Long school day, nine lessons. Getting kinda cold driving to school on moped.
Christmas song of the day: None
Christmas song of the day: None
Thursday, December 08, 2005
December 7. Lindsay Lohan
Wednesday is nice short school day, only five lessons. So early home and after usual eating, ircing and inet I saw The Parent Trap. Lindsay Lohan's debut movie. Sometime ago I decided to watch all Lindsay Lohan movies in a row. (meaning no other movies meanwhile). The parent trap is the only one I had not seen before. Quite a nice movie. :P This weekend I will try to watch as many as possible of the rest of the movies, but I will probably won't have time to watch all. petsen started talking about a mini meeting at his place. We have this party Friday so I could join them from Satuday. However I had forgot the annual family christmas dekorations making day, which is Saturday. The other guys are having problems with transport so might not happen. Would have been nice, but there's a new year around the corner and plenty of weekends ;-).
Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My only wish (This year)
Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My only wish (This year)
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
December 6. Wishes
We had this presentation about education in third and fourth lesson, and due to some organization problems we were off in two first lessons. So I could sleep long, however I overslept. I was either going to take bus or moped, but I was up to late for bus so had to take moped, but was ok weather anyway, so no problem. Only got two mins to late. Tuesday is long day till 14:50 but helped with two lessons off and two with that presentation. At home I started some christmas wishes thinking, didn't went that well though. Haven't thought of much. Is problem everything I want is something you can get only from amazon or the like or something way to expensive. Xmas shows, lost, bed.
Christmas Song of the day: Juice, SOAP, Christina & Remee - Let Love Be Love
Christmas Song of the day: Juice, SOAP, Christina & Remee - Let Love Be Love
December 5. Monday
In second lesson we made presentation of the project I told about earlier. We got a nine for it. Then in english we started out induvidual project for real. Wrote like 5 lines. Home again, pretty normal day.
Christmas song of the day: None
Christmas song of the day: None
Monday, December 05, 2005
December 4. Poster mania
So after taking all my posters down I had to choice which I wanted to get up, I counted that I took 37 posters down. First I sorted which once that had to get up and which ones I was sure should not up. So room was filled with posters all over. Took quite some time choosing and putting them up. After I had gotten all up I also wanted to put something new on some top shelfs to get some more renewing. I started short time after I stood up and including watching two christmas shows, an episode of friends, eating and some minor ircing it took untill 21:30. Now some pics.

Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)

Christmas song of the day: Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
December 3. Christmas
The third of December were the most christmas kinda day so far. In the afternoon I made brown cookies with my mom 8). We had to use honey instead of syrup, but they tasts pretty good. In the evening we putted up some christmas decoration. I finally decided how to reorganize my furnitues. Not much chances, becuase much of the furnitures can't stand in many different places, becauses of windows and such. So in the afternoon I moved the chair and the table, and also I took down all my posters on my walls. I have gotten alot of new ones lately I wanted to get up, and also I was getting bored of having them the same way for so long.
Christmas song of the day: Juice, SOAP, Christina & Remee - Let Love be Love
Christmas song of the day: Juice, SOAP, Christina & Remee - Let Love be Love
Friday, December 02, 2005
December 2. The Goblet of Fire
In the last two lessons today in school we decorated our class room for christmas. Some of the decorations were a chokelade calender hanging from the roof on top of every seet. ;) In school before that I saw on my google ig startpage in People's magazine news that Jennifer Garner had given birth, the night before Thursday. A lovely discovement. I just hope it won't cause she get's too inactive with her movie career. An hour ago we got home from the cinema after watching Harry Potter The Goblet of Fire. Quite nice, amazing how they can keep them good and keep renewing. Already looking forward to the fifth. In ten minutes MTV Europe Music awards are sent on danish TV, so I'm gonna watch that. We don't have MTV anymore, plus there's no commercials during the show when watching it on danish TV, which is nice.
Christmas song of the day: Den Hemmelige Tunnel - Tak For En Herlig Dag
Christmas song of the day: Den Hemmelige Tunnel - Tak For En Herlig Dag
December 1. Harry Potter
Long school day, till 15:40. We finished our sale/marketing (not sure of english name of subject) project. When I got home I had some food with mom and sister, while eating I decided to try to make a post here for each day untill christmas eve. Spend rest of afternoon with the normal ircing and such. After dinner I saw Harry Potter 3 with my dad on his comp (he had space for it, brother brought as mongo dvd image). Saw the second Wednesday and the first Monday on my TV together with mom, dad and sister. So that I'm ready now to watch the fourth tonight. Kinda good movies :).
Christmas song of the day: Pyrus - Cool Jul
Christmas song of the day: Pyrus - Cool Jul
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The night before Tuesday I had a dream about Jennifer Garner. (In case you should have missed, she is one of my absolute favourite actors and I have made this fansite about her.) I think something happened first in the dream I can't remember, however I was in my class room and most of my class mates were there, when this girl from my class, Malene, comes in through the door and says "Alias, Garner is dead." I began to feel terrible while sitting in the class. Appearently she in the dream were very known actor. Next thing happening is I sit in some room with some friends, maybe some computer room or something, though television was showed on atleast two of the screens. They were sending extra transmittings about her like every hour the whole day, interviews, biographies and such. I don't think much more happened, some minor things probably that I can't remember. It was a strange feeling waking up, still felt kinda sad, and had that weird feeling most of the day. It was the first time in many years I've woken up in middle of the night because of a nightmare. May it never come true.
Been playing some elma this week. I'm paticipating in the Pipe tournament and trying out the kon quest thing too. Didn't manage to get point in the kon quest 45 mins battle, but I think I can get good placement if I pull of the style I have in round 2, been very close. I don't think I will get through to next round of pipe tournament, well, don't really have an excuse ;).
Been playing some elma this week. I'm paticipating in the Pipe tournament and trying out the kon quest thing too. Didn't manage to get point in the kon quest 45 mins battle, but I think I can get good placement if I pull of the style I have in round 2, been very close. I don't think I will get through to next round of pipe tournament, well, don't really have an excuse ;).
Monday, November 21, 2005
I've lately been discovering some of googles neat features. It started when I read this artice in PC World magazine about google. In it I read about google desktop and picasa. I downloaded and installed those two last week. Both are extremely nice programs. Desktop with fast searches on your harddrive and picasa are really nice to organize and work with pictures. I wonder how I've been able to live without those?? When I was surfing around google I also found this portal thing, which is now my startpage, have had about:blank for ages. The technology there really amazes me. :D I've also had gmail account for a while now. All this has really made google my best friend on the internet. ;)
Favourite Song atm: Kelly Clarkson - Behind these hazel eyes
Favourite Song atm: Kelly Clarkson - Behind these hazel eyes
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Me and my old friend freud
So we have this mongo big danish asignment at the moment. It has to fill 6 to 8 pages, including an analysic of a text, something about the teoretically part of it, and a personal perspective. Damn that was many hard words in one sentence.. Anyway we have five weeks for it I think. Ending next thursday. Untill yesterday I had written only about a half page. So yesterday I started some seriously writing, and got very close to finishing he analysic, wrote 2½ pages. Had planned to write as much today, but didn't felt like, well what is wednesday night for? :) We still have 3 danish lessons to write it and I'm early off from school wednesday. So should be able to get it done in time. As for the title, almost all of the analysic are about freuds teories.
Another weekend already over. :X
Another weekend already over. :X
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Peugeot 206

For some time now we have been talking about in the family to get a new car instead of our old Ford Sierra 87'. Tuesday we were going to look at this Peugeot 206 02' for the second time, first time no one there so we could not test drive. We did that this time and soon decided it was going to be this one. In the beginning we wanted a cheaper car, and was looking at some Peugeot 106'es but when bank agreed a loan my parents soon wanted a newer car. So this was it. When they went in talking with the salesman I went home as I had went there straight from school. We got these cool alloys for free together with the car (too bad they were with summer tires, so won't be used before spring :-I) and they also took our old Ford Sierra.
Today after work my parents went there to get the new car. A neat little one ;-).

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Eight char limit is history people
Argh, is so frustating having a million install files which are called nl_345.exe or fe_setup.exe or whatever. So many places where you download some program they are called like that, don't they know that eight char limit was history AGES ago?? I know I can change the name when I download, but you know it's not always you think of that.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Past week I have been browsing and bidding alot on QXL which I talked about earlier. I have already won some auctions, of which two of has arrived so far. This was four small Star Wars postcards 6€ and The Corrs - Forgiven not forgotten 3€. By the purchase of that CD I almost completes my The Corrs collection, only CD which I do not have is the Best of. Have had this on MP3 for a long time but never really heard it through. As expected it is really nice, one of their bests.
Some other auctions I've won is "The life and times of scrooge McDock" 55€, 264 pages book, in english, but with real sign by Don Rosa who wrote and draw it. :p~~ Beside this I've also won The Cranberries - No need to argue 1€, a 100 pages Ducktales book 1.5€, another smaller scrooge mcduck strip 1.2€, The Corrs - Unplugged DVD 10€ & Britney Spears cover for cellphone 6.5€.
Have found three more things I want which is still not finished and at a low price. This is a Natalie Portman autograph on a picture of her. Still no bids on it and 3 days left. Also another Donald Duck strip and some Walt Disney classics 1984. On those two my current bid is 1.2€
Bought the third season of Alias last week on some belgian site where I managed to find it cheap and with danish subs, using google ofcourse.
These purchases means not much money on bank account ;). Already used half of the money I have for November. But well :D.
Recommended by skint0r on his blog I tried uTorrent today. Which made me change to that. It should use less system resources, which is needed on my celeron laptop. But it also seems to be able to download so much faster. Nice.
Some other auctions I've won is "The life and times of scrooge McDock" 55€, 264 pages book, in english, but with real sign by Don Rosa who wrote and draw it. :p~~ Beside this I've also won The Cranberries - No need to argue 1€, a 100 pages Ducktales book 1.5€, another smaller scrooge mcduck strip 1.2€, The Corrs - Unplugged DVD 10€ & Britney Spears cover for cellphone 6.5€.
Have found three more things I want which is still not finished and at a low price. This is a Natalie Portman autograph on a picture of her. Still no bids on it and 3 days left. Also another Donald Duck strip and some Walt Disney classics 1984. On those two my current bid is 1.2€
Bought the third season of Alias last week on some belgian site where I managed to find it cheap and with danish subs, using google ofcourse.
These purchases means not much money on bank account ;). Already used half of the money I have for November. But well :D.
Recommended by skint0r on his blog I tried uTorrent today. Which made me change to that. It should use less system resources, which is needed on my celeron laptop. But it also seems to be able to download so much faster. Nice.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Have lately getting tired of the way I have organized my furnitures and stuff, so yesterday evening around 23:00 I made this.

Have been playing a little around with it but can't seem to find a better way to organize it yet. :/
Two days ago I kinda re discovered which is danish version of ebay. Didn't knew it still existed. After surfing around on it for a short time I had already made my first bid. There are so much cool stuff there ;-). Have two winning bids now, and only reason I doesn't have more is that you need this vertification of your adress with snail mail to to make more than two bids at a time, which won't arrive before Monday atleast.
I probably won't begin sell anything there, doesn't have the heart to get rid of any of my stuff :-).

Have been playing a little around with it but can't seem to find a better way to organize it yet. :/
Two days ago I kinda re discovered which is danish version of ebay. Didn't knew it still existed. After surfing around on it for a short time I had already made my first bid. There are so much cool stuff there ;-). Have two winning bids now, and only reason I doesn't have more is that you need this vertification of your adress with snail mail to to make more than two bids at a time, which won't arrive before Monday atleast.
I probably won't begin sell anything there, doesn't have the heart to get rid of any of my stuff :-).
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Filling the time with holiday
Been watching some movies lately, can't bother trying to make this post cronically.
American Pie Band Camp: Got quite surprised first time I heard about this, now it got released and I watched it late one night. It's something totally different, but I still got a little american pie feeling, which means something good. And such nostalgie with some of the same music ;-). Anyway a worthy addiction to the saga.
Family guy, Stewie griffen the untold story: Have come to like the series and have been waiting a long time to finally see this movie. Really fun.
Saw The good girl and Lucky Luke today. The good girl kinda different than I thought, not very fun, but rather good :)
It's getting late, this post didn't exactly turn out as I wanted, well, must try again tomorrow :)
American Pie Band Camp: Got quite surprised first time I heard about this, now it got released and I watched it late one night. It's something totally different, but I still got a little american pie feeling, which means something good. And such nostalgie with some of the same music ;-). Anyway a worthy addiction to the saga.
Family guy, Stewie griffen the untold story: Have come to like the series and have been waiting a long time to finally see this movie. Really fun.
Saw The good girl and Lucky Luke today. The good girl kinda different than I thought, not very fun, but rather good :)
It's getting late, this post didn't exactly turn out as I wanted, well, must try again tomorrow :)
Danish elma meeting over
It's now some days since danish elma meeting ended. This is my fourt big meeting (been a two smaller ones with 3-4 persons), and as I begin to get them to know better and better it indeed get's more fun. :-) The playing itself didn't went as well for me as it did last time, where I won two battles and became second at 1 hour tt. But well not that bad either ;D I think I got many 3rd, 4th, 5th places, and we were around 20 kuskis. But we only wrote up top 3 so don't know for sure. And the 1 hour tt went fairly ok, I got third with 1 hour 46 mins. After around 10 mins of playing my keyboard started acting weird, sometimes nothing happened when I pressed keys, restarted elma and trying plugged it in another usb port, didn't help so had to reboot computer. This ofcourse took a lot of precious time, could have gotten a much better time. :/
This was first time I've had drivers license at a meeting, so I drove there myself. This was the first time I've ever driven more than 20 kms where I had to find way myself. Around 1½ hour drive, so was ofcourse a little nervous, but it went very well. Drove a lot back and fourth between the little city where it was placed and a bigger city called Herning where people came with train. :-)
Short before I left I made a new record in apple harvest (only internal improvement at meeting), only around a sec though to 1:50,20. However I played a little more few days ago and made 1:46,26 \o/. Quite satisfied. Now no more elma for some time ;-)
This was first time I've had drivers license at a meeting, so I drove there myself. This was the first time I've ever driven more than 20 kms where I had to find way myself. Around 1½ hour drive, so was ofcourse a little nervous, but it went very well. Drove a lot back and fourth between the little city where it was placed and a bigger city called Herning where people came with train. :-)
Short before I left I made a new record in apple harvest (only internal improvement at meeting), only around a sec though to 1:50,20. However I played a little more few days ago and made 1:46,26 \o/. Quite satisfied. Now no more elma for some time ;-)
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Today I finally got my moped to repair man. I've had problems with the kickstarter for ages. It kept going loose. They finished it today too, only 23€ it costed. In school today our "afsætning" teacher told us our grades (for what we've done in lessons since summer holiday, getting rest on friday I think). I got 9, on the 03, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 scala. Kinda satisfied considering how much I've been doing in the lessons. But I know I can do better, and wanna.
Spanglish DVD arrived today. Think I'm gonna watch it tomorrow, I'm off from school alreay 12.05. As the thing I keep my DVD's in are now filled becuase of the five new DVD's I changed the way they are ordered in. Have know for quite some time how I would like it when it got filled. Before they have been ordered after when I got them, newest in buttom. So in the button I have all the new I haven't watched, or haven't watched on DVD. And in the top I have as many as there is space for, sorted after how good they are, the best in the top. I kept one space in the middle free so you can see different between the two sorts of sorting. There were three DVD's which there wasn't space for, I'm gonna put these in this DVD/VHS/CD thing I made in school in 8th grade, that is when I get some old PC games out of it.
Heh look at how much I wrote about that =D. Now Daddy called on me if I wanted to come get bread with cheese.
On a side note, my CD's are sorted alphabetically.
Only 3 days to elma meeting =DD.
Spanglish DVD arrived today. Think I'm gonna watch it tomorrow, I'm off from school alreay 12.05. As the thing I keep my DVD's in are now filled becuase of the five new DVD's I changed the way they are ordered in. Have know for quite some time how I would like it when it got filled. Before they have been ordered after when I got them, newest in buttom. So in the button I have all the new I haven't watched, or haven't watched on DVD. And in the top I have as many as there is space for, sorted after how good they are, the best in the top. I kept one space in the middle free so you can see different between the two sorts of sorting. There were three DVD's which there wasn't space for, I'm gonna put these in this DVD/VHS/CD thing I made in school in 8th grade, that is when I get some old PC games out of it.
Heh look at how much I wrote about that =D. Now Daddy called on me if I wanted to come get bread with cheese.
On a side note, my CD's are sorted alphabetically.
Only 3 days to elma meeting =DD.
Monday, October 10, 2005
"the line is a dot to you!"
Friends still cracks me up ;-). I'm watching season 4 rigth now.
So I got my The Corrs cd now over a week ago, was a little afraid because they said they were going to back to more traditional irish music, well it's different than last few albums, but it is a very nice album I think. Been hearing it around twice everyday since I got it. Sach <3>
I ordered T.A.T.U.'s new CD today, it got released today too. I choosed the limited version with a bonus dvd, even though I don't know what's on it, but only 2,25£ extra.
Ordered also some dvds last week. I got four of them on thursday (Sweet home alabama, 13 going on 30, The parent trap and Freaky friday. Last one is from so it hasn't arrived yet, probably will tomorrow (Spanglish). I saw Sweet home alabama sunday afternoon. Actually better than I had expected. Reese Witherspoon is really nice I must say :D.
Uhh only 4 days untill elma meeting. :DDDDDD
So I got my The Corrs cd now over a week ago, was a little afraid because they said they were going to back to more traditional irish music, well it's different than last few albums, but it is a very nice album I think. Been hearing it around twice everyday since I got it. Sach <3>
I ordered T.A.T.U.'s new CD today, it got released today too. I choosed the limited version with a bonus dvd, even though I don't know what's on it, but only 2,25£ extra.
Ordered also some dvds last week. I got four of them on thursday (Sweet home alabama, 13 going on 30, The parent trap and Freaky friday. Last one is from so it hasn't arrived yet, probably will tomorrow (Spanglish). I saw Sweet home alabama sunday afternoon. Actually better than I had expected. Reese Witherspoon is really nice I must say :D.
Uhh only 4 days untill elma meeting. :DDDDDD
Monday, October 03, 2005
Danish elma meeting
Next danish elma meeting is aproching and we are still getting more attendings. There are now coming 24 people :o It is going to be the biggest danish elma meeting ever. And for the first time ever foreign players are coming, this is Cubein, BarTek, Luther and Thanatos. It is in two weeks. Looking forward to meeting the danish players again, have build up quite good friendship with some of them during the years. And also gonna be exiting with foreigners, but also kinda scary :/ Well atleast we hopefully won't have to talk english to each other.
..can't wait
Just too bad I'm missing a party with my irl friends. :(
..can't wait
Just too bad I'm missing a party with my irl friends. :(
Thursday, September 29, 2005
During past days I have been working on last parts of new Kopasite. One thing really got on my nerves. The height of some of the cells kept fucking up. Tried a lot of things to make it work, even looked at the source at some other pages to get an idea, didn't help either. So I ended up just merging the cells and having all the stuff in same one, so no problems with the height.
Another thing that really can get on my nerves is how some stuff are different from browser to browser. Like the colour of the borders of the tabel. I make them black, but in firefox they are just the default "non colour". And .png pictures looks a little bit different in IE than in firefox. Have to make it .jpg.
Anyway the site is now ready for launching. Don't know exactly when I will do so, but I probably before the end of the week.
Still a lot of things could be improved and added on the site, but I wanna wait with that. Atleast all pages and links are fully functional, not like when I realesed current version where half of links didn't work at first :).
I would like to make some new contest together with the release but might wait with that, eventually just release now, then when I get new contest ready I make lauta topic about site and contests, or whatever.
Next version must be php ;-).
Another thing that really can get on my nerves is how some stuff are different from browser to browser. Like the colour of the borders of the tabel. I make them black, but in firefox they are just the default "non colour". And .png pictures looks a little bit different in IE than in firefox. Have to make it .jpg.
Anyway the site is now ready for launching. Don't know exactly when I will do so, but I probably before the end of the week.
Still a lot of things could be improved and added on the site, but I wanna wait with that. Atleast all pages and links are fully functional, not like when I realesed current version where half of links didn't work at first :).
I would like to make some new contest together with the release but might wait with that, eventually just release now, then when I get new contest ready I make lauta topic about site and contests, or whatever.
Next version must be php ;-).
Friday, September 23, 2005
Last friday I did two very good discoverings. I saw the danish music program boogie, which runs a list with 10 videos which are voted online, anyway I heard t.A.T.u.'s new song All about us. Well I had seen few days before they had made new, but didn't heard it untill then. Has really been looking forward to something new from them. The song really lived up to my expectations, another has to buy album. So after the program I checked CD-wow to see if the cd was released or when it would. It is released the 10 October. There are a special limited version with DVD included for only a few extra £'s, but haven't been able to find info on what's on it yet.
When I was surfing CD wow I saw something else. A CD from The Corrs which I haven't heard of, hence it's a new one. Sach \o/ feeling. The Corrs is one of my all time favourite bands. The new CD home is released the 26 this month, so I'm gonna pre order today.
When I was surfing CD wow I saw something else. A CD from The Corrs which I haven't heard of, hence it's a new one. Sach \o/ feeling. The Corrs is one of my all time favourite bands. The new CD home is released the 26 this month, so I'm gonna pre order today.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Saturday Denmark played Turkey in the World Cup qualification (football). They send national matches not played in Denmark on danish TV3 which we don't have.
Futte invited me and a few others to watch it at his place (5 people all in all). We met there at 16:00 thinking that the match started at 17:00. When we were all there we drove to the city (me driving) to buy pizza and other stuff. 17:00 was aproching and we hurried home. Now realising that the game didn't start untill 20:00. So we started eating our pizzas. We all only eat half of ours at first saving the rest for later. Still 2½ hours to kick off.
So we started playing Fifa 2005 on Playstation 2, which we had planned to do afterwards. I had never really played Fifa 2005, so it was for two others, and my Playstation experience is not very big either. Hence it didn't went very well for me at first. First match I played futte who have played it alot. After first half I was behind 0-4. After having learned the controls and such we both scored one goal in second half. We played 2 groups with four in each (3 computer controlled), I didn't qualify to semi finals. Now it was time for kick off.
Danmar - Turkey was at time a little boring match. However with some very nice goals. Denmark had to win the match to stay in top, but it ended 2-2. Now chances are rather small for us to qualify.
After the match we played rest of the Fifa 2005 tournament, as predicted futte won.
We played another tournament with only group play and no computer controlled. After the first match Hanson came by, he had just bought a car that very day. So we went outside to take a look. A nice blue Honda Civic. The second Fifa 2005 tournament went ok, I ended third. Futte ofcourse won again. Now it was getting late and we started to head home.
Was one of these days I will remember for a long time.
Futte invited me and a few others to watch it at his place (5 people all in all). We met there at 16:00 thinking that the match started at 17:00. When we were all there we drove to the city (me driving) to buy pizza and other stuff. 17:00 was aproching and we hurried home. Now realising that the game didn't start untill 20:00. So we started eating our pizzas. We all only eat half of ours at first saving the rest for later. Still 2½ hours to kick off.
So we started playing Fifa 2005 on Playstation 2, which we had planned to do afterwards. I had never really played Fifa 2005, so it was for two others, and my Playstation experience is not very big either. Hence it didn't went very well for me at first. First match I played futte who have played it alot. After first half I was behind 0-4. After having learned the controls and such we both scored one goal in second half. We played 2 groups with four in each (3 computer controlled), I didn't qualify to semi finals. Now it was time for kick off.
Danmar - Turkey was at time a little boring match. However with some very nice goals. Denmark had to win the match to stay in top, but it ended 2-2. Now chances are rather small for us to qualify.
After the match we played rest of the Fifa 2005 tournament, as predicted futte won.
We played another tournament with only group play and no computer controlled. After the first match Hanson came by, he had just bought a car that very day. So we went outside to take a look. A nice blue Honda Civic. The second Fifa 2005 tournament went ok, I ended third. Futte ofcourse won again. Now it was getting late and we started to head home.
Was one of these days I will remember for a long time.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Been driving to school all days this week except Tuesday. Yesterday I had four people with me, two who was going into the city and two who lives a few kms next to me. After first guy got out of car I forgot he has his bag in the boot, so just started driving again, luckily for him some of the others in the car saw him waving so I stopped again. :P
One of my class mates also drove some people into city, so he followed us most of the way. Later he was ahead and I tried to drive by but didn't succed. :/
Today driving home I parked on parkinglot and filled fuel on for first time. At first I drove on wrong side of fuel station. :/
School is starting to speed up with some bigger asignments and such.
Wednesday I was in cinema with two friends, watching Batman Begins. Such nice it was. <3
One of my class mates also drove some people into city, so he followed us most of the way. Later he was ahead and I tried to drive by but didn't succed. :/
Today driving home I parked on parkinglot and filled fuel on for first time. At first I drove on wrong side of fuel station. :/
School is starting to speed up with some bigger asignments and such.
Wednesday I was in cinema with two friends, watching Batman Begins. Such nice it was. <3
Monday, August 22, 2005
Friday afternoon after passing driving test I didn't drive any around, as you could expect someone to do when they just have gotten the license, this was partly because we had visitors a great time of the afternoon, but also because I was kinda tired after all the things going on and such.
However in the evening this would change. I was going to one of my friends house to play poker. So I drove there, first picking up two guys who lives around 3-4 kms the opposite direction, with whom I usually drive with when we are going places. After picking up one of them we drove randomly around for some 10 minutes waiting for the other one to come home from work. Then we could drive those around 20 kms to the place we were going.
After playing first Texas Hold'em tournament - in which I got the 3rd place winning 4,7 € (but we paid 3,35 € to paticipate so really I only won 1,35 €) - me and three others took a drive, with me driving, we just drove randomly around the city. Back again we watched the others play some 5 card stud and shortly after we took a drive again with Morten driving, he also got his driver license that same day. That became a longer drive, including driving into the biggest city of the island. While Morten was buying some candy at a tank station Rune drove the car into a manual washing house, to make Morten think it was stolen. Hehe =0)
Back again I paticipated for a short while in 5 card stud winning 0,4 €. After that it was a little past 12 and we drove home, so we thought atleast. After driving maybe 2 kms we caughts one of the others cars, then short after realising it is standing still. Two other cars standing still there too, one of them is one of my friends. I'm like "wtf?". After getting out the car we can see that a pony is runnig around free. So they are trying to get it back into the fence. That eventually took some time, but succed. Then it was home.
However in the evening this would change. I was going to one of my friends house to play poker. So I drove there, first picking up two guys who lives around 3-4 kms the opposite direction, with whom I usually drive with when we are going places. After picking up one of them we drove randomly around for some 10 minutes waiting for the other one to come home from work. Then we could drive those around 20 kms to the place we were going.
After playing first Texas Hold'em tournament - in which I got the 3rd place winning 4,7 € (but we paid 3,35 € to paticipate so really I only won 1,35 €) - me and three others took a drive, with me driving, we just drove randomly around the city. Back again we watched the others play some 5 card stud and shortly after we took a drive again with Morten driving, he also got his driver license that same day. That became a longer drive, including driving into the biggest city of the island. While Morten was buying some candy at a tank station Rune drove the car into a manual washing house, to make Morten think it was stolen. Hehe =0)
Back again I paticipated for a short while in 5 card stud winning 0,4 €. After that it was a little past 12 and we drove home, so we thought atleast. After driving maybe 2 kms we caughts one of the others cars, then short after realising it is standing still. Two other cars standing still there too, one of them is one of my friends. I'm like "wtf?". After getting out the car we can see that a pony is runnig around free. So they are trying to get it back into the fence. That eventually took some time, but succed. Then it was home.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Drivers License
Last few days has been rather busy, with collecting new comp from tuesday, long school days both tuesday and thursday. And yesterday it was finally time for my final driving test. Couldn't really eat anything for breakfast, because of nerves or just general non hungryness in the morning I don't know. I had a driving lesson just before the test at 12:30. So I missed the last lesson (spanish) at school.
Short before leaving school I check the note I got with time of test to be totally sure to get there at right time, and I see "PASSPORT" written on it, I had to bring it, fuck I had forgot it. :<>
The lesson before the test goes by, I get my passport so they can get it, and the test is about to begin. We drove for like 25 minues, all the time in the city. Only made some minor mistakes, and at the end of the test he says something like "that went rather fine" so I passed. \o/
Then I drive on moped home ;).
Talking of which, it really helped having it at the machanic, it now drives good.
Short before leaving school I check the note I got with time of test to be totally sure to get there at right time, and I see "PASSPORT" written on it, I had to bring it, fuck I had forgot it. :<>
The lesson before the test goes by, I get my passport so they can get it, and the test is about to begin. We drove for like 25 minues, all the time in the city. Only made some minor mistakes, and at the end of the test he says something like "that went rather fine" so I passed. \o/
Then I drive on moped home ;).
Talking of which, it really helped having it at the machanic, it now drives good.
x800 with light
Tuesday I got the last parts for my new comp. So when I got home from school I started putting it together, didn't finish before wednesday.

Started by attaching ram and cpu to motherbaord, went fine.

After advise from jonkka motherboard was the first thing I screwed to the motherboard, now I could see that I had forgot the cpu thermal, so had to take cpu fan away again to put in under it.

I used the harddrives from my old comp, so had to take those out from it, quite dusty, still don't know what to do with the old.

Adding graphic cards, harddrives and such went quite fine too. However I had placed the two harddrives so far from each other than the cable wasn't long enough. Later I saw this little connector on the graphic card, as there stood something about a power connector in the manual I thought it was such, and there was no cable that fit into it, but after reading some on asus webpage I found out it was some older thing which isn't used anymore.

Everything is in place, attaching things like usb connecters what quite frustrating, one fucking connecter for each of the four cables, for both usbs on front. Finally time to turn it on. It works \o/ Notice the blue light from the graphic card, quite a surprise. :D
It wouldn't boot from the windows CD, but that was soon fixed by changing in the bios, and windows installation was started. Only thing not working was the power led on front, that was fixed later by turning the connector opposite.
Uhh what a sexy little thing :p~~

Have been trying Battlefield 2, NFSU2 and Lego Star Wars on it so far. And everything runs perfect in with high graphic settings. :D Had read that Lego Star Wars should be good, but is still surprised, it is really nice.

Started by attaching ram and cpu to motherbaord, went fine.

After advise from jonkka motherboard was the first thing I screwed to the motherboard, now I could see that I had forgot the cpu thermal, so had to take cpu fan away again to put in under it.

I used the harddrives from my old comp, so had to take those out from it, quite dusty, still don't know what to do with the old.

Adding graphic cards, harddrives and such went quite fine too. However I had placed the two harddrives so far from each other than the cable wasn't long enough. Later I saw this little connector on the graphic card, as there stood something about a power connector in the manual I thought it was such, and there was no cable that fit into it, but after reading some on asus webpage I found out it was some older thing which isn't used anymore.

Everything is in place, attaching things like usb connecters what quite frustrating, one fucking connecter for each of the four cables, for both usbs on front. Finally time to turn it on. It works \o/ Notice the blue light from the graphic card, quite a surprise. :D

Uhh what a sexy little thing :p~~

Have been trying Battlefield 2, NFSU2 and Lego Star Wars on it so far. And everything runs perfect in with high graphic settings. :D Had read that Lego Star Wars should be good, but is still surprised, it is really nice.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
World Cup over
Last day of summerholiday, which also means that world cup is over, got a "dramatic" ending:
[10:59:09] (eat_me) helou
[10:59:46] (Kopaka) FAK MUST SEND: OOO
[10:59:52] (Kopaka) argh
[11:01:24] (Kopaka) fuck too late :/
[11:01:42] (MadMan^) ye 1 min :P
[11:01:47] (eat_me) go mail
[11:01:51] (Kopaka) ye
[11:03:02] (Kopaka) 14 events without sending too late, and I have to do it in the last one :/
I got 28 apples, I could probably have gotten a few more if I had played more, kinda regret now that I didn't. It's strange now to not always have a world cup level to play. Been thinking, and thing about stopping elma more or less again after world cup, will probably not happen, but playing amount will decrease a lot for sure. I just read in #wc5 that tijsjoris will start mopoking contest up again, maybe next goal could be to be no. 1 in that, seems duable. :D
I finished painting my moped few days ago, final touch was attaching an "8" sticker on both sides. Look is now pretty close to the elma bike. :P I will take some pictures of it later.
Sad it is, that summerholiday is over. However it does not really affect me much somewhy.
Today I could read on the page where I ordered my last computer parts that they will not get the motherboard before next monday, which means I will get it next tuesday. That sucks, but will give me some time to see some movies. :D
[10:59:09] (eat_me) helou
[10:59:46] (Kopaka) FAK MUST SEND: OOO
[10:59:52] (Kopaka) argh
[11:01:24] (Kopaka) fuck too late :/
[11:01:42] (MadMan^) ye 1 min :P
[11:01:47] (eat_me) go mail
[11:01:51] (Kopaka) ye
[11:03:02] (Kopaka) 14 events without sending too late, and I have to do it in the last one :/
I got 28 apples, I could probably have gotten a few more if I had played more, kinda regret now that I didn't. It's strange now to not always have a world cup level to play. Been thinking, and thing about stopping elma more or less again after world cup, will probably not happen, but playing amount will decrease a lot for sure. I just read in #wc5 that tijsjoris will start mopoking contest up again, maybe next goal could be to be no. 1 in that, seems duable. :D
I finished painting my moped few days ago, final touch was attaching an "8" sticker on both sides. Look is now pretty close to the elma bike. :P I will take some pictures of it later.
Sad it is, that summerholiday is over. However it does not really affect me much somewhy.
Today I could read on the page where I ordered my last computer parts that they will not get the motherboard before next monday, which means I will get it next tuesday. That sucks, but will give me some time to see some movies. :D
Monday, August 08, 2005
..woops forgot headline
Saturday two of my friends held their 18th birthday together. They held it at this discotheque.. *Incoming mail* just a birthday reminder, ok back to story.. they held it at this discotheque where you can have a private party for free (instead they earn money from people buying in the bar), untill 23:00, at that time everyone can come in. Was a nice party, first half hour they had free beers, only got two because we got there a little late. At the party not many I didn't knew. Was dancing a little two times ;). Sometime around 1:00 I went pieing, and all my friends was gone, I decided to go to this other discotheque to see if they were there, half way meet one of them, and walked to a third discotheque where we found them :). Got home a little past 2. Then at home I checked irc before going to bed, jonkka had been at party too, just been a litte more lucky than me..
[02:11:11] (Kopaka[LaMe]) hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[02:11:18] (ZeroxCOS) Kopaka[LaMe]!!!!!!1!111
[02:11:20] (Kopaka[LaMe]) :D
[02:11:21] (Jonkka) ;D;D'
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) dk
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) gawrkjgh
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) ojrehj
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) åea
[02:11:26] (ZeroxCOS) did you get girls?
[02:11:35] (ZeroxCOS) guess how mant Jonkka get!!!!!!!!!!!! ;OOOOOOOOOOOOO
[02:11:54] (Kopaka[LaMe]) hehe
[02:11:56] (Kopaka[LaMe]) 2 ?
[02:12:01] (Kopaka[LaMe]) I nat got girls :/
[02:12:08] (Jonkka) 3 8-D
[02:12:11] (Kopaka[LaMe]) niice :D
[02:23:56] (Jonkka) im afriad hangover of teh summer tomarow ,D
[02:24:00] (Kopaka[LaMe]) haha
[02:24:04] (Jonkka) but ez worth teh
[02:24:23] (Jonkka) made out with three girls 8-D
Yesterday evening I saw Bridget Jones 2 with my brother and sister, pretty fun movie :).
This morning I had driving lesson at 9:00, had to cycle there :/ Lesson went better than last time, eventually I might even pass final test :D, which is in only 11 days. I hadn't gotten any breakfast before going there, so cycling home became quite painfully for my stomach, had become quite hungry. But I'm just never hungry when I've just woken up, atleast haven't been during holiday, on normal school days I can usually eat just when woken up, strange.
So painfull to have a Radeon x800 card lying around when you can use it. Motherboard, ram, dvd and psu haven't arrived yet. For the first time in my life I'm looking forward to the day where I start in school, because it will probably arrive that day :).
[02:11:11] (Kopaka[LaMe]) hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[02:11:18] (ZeroxCOS) Kopaka[LaMe]!!!!!!1!111
[02:11:20] (Kopaka[LaMe]) :D
[02:11:21] (Jonkka) ;D;D'
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) dk
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) gawrkjgh
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) ojrehj
[02:11:22] (Jonkka) åea
[02:11:26] (ZeroxCOS) did you get girls?
[02:11:35] (ZeroxCOS) guess how mant Jonkka get!!!!!!!!!!!! ;OOOOOOOOOOOOO
[02:11:54] (Kopaka[LaMe]) hehe
[02:11:56] (Kopaka[LaMe]) 2 ?
[02:12:01] (Kopaka[LaMe]) I nat got girls :/
[02:12:08] (Jonkka) 3 8-D
[02:12:11] (Kopaka[LaMe]) niice :D
[02:23:56] (Jonkka) im afriad hangover of teh summer tomarow ,D
[02:24:00] (Kopaka[LaMe]) haha
[02:24:04] (Jonkka) but ez worth teh
[02:24:23] (Jonkka) made out with three girls 8-D
Yesterday evening I saw Bridget Jones 2 with my brother and sister, pretty fun movie :).
This morning I had driving lesson at 9:00, had to cycle there :/ Lesson went better than last time, eventually I might even pass final test :D, which is in only 11 days. I hadn't gotten any breakfast before going there, so cycling home became quite painfully for my stomach, had become quite hungry. But I'm just never hungry when I've just woken up, atleast haven't been during holiday, on normal school days I can usually eat just when woken up, strange.
So painfull to have a Radeon x800 card lying around when you can use it. Motherboard, ram, dvd and psu haven't arrived yet. For the first time in my life I'm looking forward to the day where I start in school, because it will probably arrive that day :).
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Post Danmark Rundt
Post Danmark Rundt is the biggest danish cycling race, it has 6 stages on 5 days. First stage went on and around Mors, the island I live on. So we went to see it, me, my brother, sister and mother, my dad was at work. At around noon we took just on the other side of the water to see them on an uphill. Waited in the car for some time, and then first 3 attackers came, between them Jens Voight, could easily regonize him. 7 minutes later the peloton came, went rather fast even on uphill, no easy to see anything, but did see Bjarne Riis in the CSC car.
Then we went home for lunch, and afterwards we took to Skive (my brother had to work now, so he didn't went with us there) where they ended, in the city they drove a circuit around 4 times, so we could see them 4 times. We stood 15-20 meters after the finish line. Not easy to see anything because of people, umbrellas and the like. Ivan basse attacked with 2 rounds left (the voight group had been caught), so we could see him. He won the stage. Afterwards when they got their jerseys on we couldn't see much either, I think it was only me who could see it, as I'm taller than my little sister and mother. When we walked back to our car we saw Bjarne Riis again in the CSC bus, for a very short time he looked right at me, or atleast could had, I bet he could see the talent in me...
Then we went home for lunch, and afterwards we took to Skive (my brother had to work now, so he didn't went with us there) where they ended, in the city they drove a circuit around 4 times, so we could see them 4 times. We stood 15-20 meters after the finish line. Not easy to see anything because of people, umbrellas and the like. Ivan basse attacked with 2 rounds left (the voight group had been caught), so we could see him. He won the stage. Afterwards when they got their jerseys on we couldn't see much either, I think it was only me who could see it, as I'm taller than my little sister and mother. When we walked back to our car we saw Bjarne Riis again in the CSC bus, for a very short time he looked right at me, or atleast could had, I bet he could see the talent in me...
That's a lot of money.. I wonder how I ever managed to have that much on my account, had even 1197.23€ short time ago. Well it came to an end, I bought some shit, well some really nice shit it was. Now I'm just waiting for it to arrive, hopefully it will before the weekend.
This is what I bought:
Motherboard, Asus A8N-E, nForce4 Ultra, S939
NEC ND-3540, DVD±RW, Black
PSU, NorthQ NQ4001AT, 400 ATX PSU, 17db
Ram, 2x Kingston DDR400, 512 MB, CAS 3
ASUS Extreme AX800/2DTV Radeon x800
AMD Athlon 64 3200+ / 2 GHz - Socket 939 - L2 512 KB - Box
Alps DF354H (diskdrive)
Case, NE-2000B ATX miditower Neon Light Black
This is what I bought:
Motherboard, Asus A8N-E, nForce4 Ultra, S939
NEC ND-3540, DVD±RW, Black
PSU, NorthQ NQ4001AT, 400 ATX PSU, 17db
Ram, 2x Kingston DDR400, 512 MB, CAS 3
ASUS Extreme AX800/2DTV Radeon x800
AMD Athlon 64 3200+ / 2 GHz - Socket 939 - L2 512 KB - Box
Alps DF354H (diskdrive)
Case, NE-2000B ATX miditower Neon Light Black
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Next generation sweeping boi
So yesterday my father calls my on my cellphone from work (he works same place I used to work). He asks me if I can come their tomorrow (today) and teach a new boy how to do the work I used to do, and I'm like "sure.. :/". My father doesn't have anything to do with it, kinda irritating they can't ask me directly, instead of going throw my dad. But anyway I cycled there today tought him how to do it, not that it's that hard to figure out, but well. Was kinda funny telling someone how to do. Now only looking forward to see if I get over 18 pay for it :). Later today my dad got them to write a reference (note you can send to a new place, where you are trying to get work).
Been looking more on computer lately and are now ready to order, probably will do that tonight, uhh and I found a danish site which had the cool case I wanted. NICE! :D And they got the ultimate computer store name "Computerbutik" (butik means store).
Been looking more on computer lately and are now ready to order, probably will do that tonight, uhh and I found a danish site which had the cool case I wanted. NICE! :D And they got the ultimate computer store name "Computerbutik" (butik means store).
Friday, July 29, 2005
Panic, panic
Only short time left of holiday panic already been going on for a few days. I wish I could not think about it, would make me enjoy holiday much more.
So what's been going on...
As told from 16. to 23. july I was in summerhouse with 9 friends. Will write about that in later post.
My mom recorded some of the tour de france for me while I was gone, been watching that the last days. Quite exiting stages some of them. Nice that mancebo drove good time trial and ended on 4th place, maybe next year podium? I hope.
Wednesday evening I used maybe two hours searching for places to buy this nice computer case I've found I would really like. I found it on alot of german pages, but because of some strict laws in germany most web shops only support bank transfer, eventually found one which supported VISA, but I had to fax them a copy of my visa in order to use it.. :( My only hope to get the case is some swizz site, have emailed them because they have four versions of the case, and no pictures or discriptions so I can't really see the difference.
Uhh.. I had my 18th birthday party for my family the friday before I left. Nice evening it was. Got some presents too:
Two DVD's (The day after tomorrow, hellboy)
a CD (Simple Plan - Still not getting any (especially like the title of that cd))
Digital camera tripod
Two poker books (the same)
A polo t-shirt
A cuba caramel
A pillow for my bed when not sleeping
Some stuff for when I move from home
And some money
Next morning I got present from my parents and brother and sister. Got a MP3 player, a creative MUVO TX 1gb, and a 1 gb compact flash card (for digi cam)
Pictures of the presnts:
For some of the money I got I ordered the first four Alias novels.
Wednesday me, my parents and my sister were at Vildsund market. With small stalls selling random useless stuff you know, also alot of animals for sale there. I bought four old jumbobooks, balls for my paint ball gun and a poker set.
After being on vacation from 16th to 23rd I only had one day to play that weeks wcup event, managed to get an ok time though, got like 8 points. Next level however which I had time to play didn't went that well, played with wrong style, went left first :/ Didn't got any points.
The last event is pipe, don't really like it, but still playing it a little. Don't expect to get any points, just wanna have played all events.
Painting moped is proceding, been trying to get it plan with some polyfila kinda thing. Not gonna get max nice, but seems to be ok.
So what's been going on...
As told from 16. to 23. july I was in summerhouse with 9 friends. Will write about that in later post.
My mom recorded some of the tour de france for me while I was gone, been watching that the last days. Quite exiting stages some of them. Nice that mancebo drove good time trial and ended on 4th place, maybe next year podium? I hope.
Wednesday evening I used maybe two hours searching for places to buy this nice computer case I've found I would really like. I found it on alot of german pages, but because of some strict laws in germany most web shops only support bank transfer, eventually found one which supported VISA, but I had to fax them a copy of my visa in order to use it.. :( My only hope to get the case is some swizz site, have emailed them because they have four versions of the case, and no pictures or discriptions so I can't really see the difference.
Uhh.. I had my 18th birthday party for my family the friday before I left. Nice evening it was. Got some presents too:
Two DVD's (The day after tomorrow, hellboy)
a CD (Simple Plan - Still not getting any (especially like the title of that cd))
Digital camera tripod
Two poker books (the same)
A polo t-shirt
A cuba caramel
A pillow for my bed when not sleeping
Some stuff for when I move from home
And some money
Next morning I got present from my parents and brother and sister. Got a MP3 player, a creative MUVO TX 1gb, and a 1 gb compact flash card (for digi cam)
Pictures of the presnts:
For some of the money I got I ordered the first four Alias novels.
Wednesday me, my parents and my sister were at Vildsund market. With small stalls selling random useless stuff you know, also alot of animals for sale there. I bought four old jumbobooks, balls for my paint ball gun and a poker set.
After being on vacation from 16th to 23rd I only had one day to play that weeks wcup event, managed to get an ok time though, got like 8 points. Next level however which I had time to play didn't went that well, played with wrong style, went left first :/ Didn't got any points.
The last event is pipe, don't really like it, but still playing it a little. Don't expect to get any points, just wanna have played all events.
Painting moped is proceding, been trying to get it plan with some polyfila kinda thing. Not gonna get max nice, but seems to be ok.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
I'm master, hah ;D
Yesterday I had my final teoritically driving test. First we had a normal lesson and a tryout test, then he drove us to the place for the test. I had no mistakes in the first tryout test. The final test I didn't except to go aswell, had big doubt in some of the questions and made a lot of changes meanwhile. However I had no mistakes. \o/ I was only one of the six people who had test at that time with no mistakes, you can have five.
Afterwards we had driving training on slippery roads. It was rather funny, also because we sat alone in car. Afterwards I drove home on bike, and had frozen pizza for lunch, were home alone.

Today I went shopping for next weeks vacation, not much though, some food, cacao and a bottle of bols blue liqueur. Alcohol supplies should be good now.
Tonight I'm gonna start packing some. Tomorrow I have my 18th birthday party, not turning 18 untill monday.
Afterwards we had driving training on slippery roads. It was rather funny, also because we sat alone in car. Afterwards I drove home on bike, and had frozen pizza for lunch, were home alone.
Today I went shopping for next weeks vacation, not much though, some food, cacao and a bottle of bols blue liqueur. Alcohol supplies should be good now.
Tonight I'm gonna start packing some. Tomorrow I have my 18th birthday party, not turning 18 untill monday.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Danish pie
This saturday I'm going to a summer house with 9 friends (8 guys and a girl). So preparations has started slowly, well pretty much the only thing I've done yet is checking advertising brochures for cheap stuff that I need for the trip. Oh and I have been watching American Pie 1 and 2 (gonna watch 3 today or tomorrow), to get some ideas ;-). If you haven't seen in the 2 they go to a house at the lake for some weeks during summer.
Some days ago I started seriously on the make over of my moped. I started painting some plastic but the spray paint couldn't cover the places where the old painting had cracked, so my dad is buying some other paint that should be able to. Been cleaning some other plastic parts with fuel so you can see that they are actually yellow, that was more of a succes, except a few places where there is some old black painting, and one of them which has some serious scratches. Might wanna replace that part, but it's just awfull expensive, this must do for now. Beside this some of the frame need some paint too where there is rust.
I'm now on 45 place overall in WCup, hopefully I can keep getting on better places througout the cup. Event 12 is frustating level, but well, isn't almost all elma levels that? But I can only hope that I have more patience than some newer kuskis ;-).
Some days ago I started seriously on the make over of my moped. I started painting some plastic but the spray paint couldn't cover the places where the old painting had cracked, so my dad is buying some other paint that should be able to. Been cleaning some other plastic parts with fuel so you can see that they are actually yellow, that was more of a succes, except a few places where there is some old black painting, and one of them which has some serious scratches. Might wanna replace that part, but it's just awfull expensive, this must do for now. Beside this some of the frame need some paint too where there is rust.
I'm now on 45 place overall in WCup, hopefully I can keep getting on better places througout the cup. Event 12 is frustating level, but well, isn't almost all elma levels that? But I can only hope that I have more patience than some newer kuskis ;-).
Friday, July 08, 2005
Work at Thuka is over
So today were my last day working at Thuka. Thuka is a furniture company that makes furnitures for children and youth. I worked there to two hours everyday sweeping and emptying litter boxes. Not untill today I got to talk to the guy I should talk about me stopping working there. I stop working there as I get 18. So weren't totally sure if they expected me to stop untill today. Gonna be strange not having to go there anymore. But nice. :P
Jonkka was nice enough to give me an ftp account at his server, :* which I'll use for hosting pictures and such.
A couple of weeks ago I took a few pictures at Thuka. Discriptions are in the filenames.
Yesterday I started painting some of the plastic on my moped, it had gotten some scrathes. I painted more today. But it seems that the spray paint can't cover it. :( And damn it's hot. :o
Edit of 11. July: Jonkkas server is down for two weeks, meanwhile check pictures here:
Jonkka was nice enough to give me an ftp account at his server, :* which I'll use for hosting pictures and such.
A couple of weeks ago I took a few pictures at Thuka. Discriptions are in the filenames.
Yesterday I started painting some of the plastic on my moped, it had gotten some scrathes. I painted more today. But it seems that the spray paint can't cover it. :( And damn it's hot. :o
Edit of 11. July: Jonkkas server is down for two weeks, meanwhile check pictures here:
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Tour De France
Saw the team time trial in Tour De France today. I really like to watch cycling and have followed Tour De France since 1995. Today was a cliff-hanger. As I'm dane I like CSC, they lost with only 2 seconds. :(
In the beginning when watching Tour De France my favourite were Indurain, and afterwards have been liking his team Banesto (which now is called Illes Balears). Hence for the last few years Mancebo has been my favourite. Over the years he has gotten better and better placements and I really hope for him to win the tour some time.
Too Bad I'll be gone the last week of the tour. Why do I always have to be on vacation during the tour? It sucks.
In the beginning when watching Tour De France my favourite were Indurain, and afterwards have been liking his team Banesto (which now is called Illes Balears). Hence for the last few years Mancebo has been my favourite. Over the years he has gotten better and better placements and I really hope for him to win the tour some time.
Too Bad I'll be gone the last week of the tour. Why do I always have to be on vacation during the tour? It sucks.
Sunday morning, I drove to Denmarks most northern city together with my family, for a minor vacation. I had been at party the night before and we drove already at 8:00 so I was a bit tired, and slept some in the car. It took around 3 hours to get there. First thing we did was walking around a little in the city, and buy some essential stuff. Then we drove to the beach to eat the food which we had brougt from home.
After eating we found the place where we were going to sleep, it was in a private home. In the late afternoon we drove to an eagle park, where we saw eagles and falkons very closely. For dinner we eat at some fish buffet. Afterwards we walked around some in the duck and then headed back to sleeping place.
In the morning I showered and we had rundstykker. After packing out stuff we took the an art museum, which had some famous paintings, but who cares? Afterwards we walked around in the city some. I bought shorts, and candles and napkins for my 18th birthday. We had lunch at some china resturant. After eating we took to the beach, looked at the water and such. Afterwards we saw this sand upped church. Only a tower above ground, had expected some more, not that fun, last thing we saw were this sand dune, which moves 25 meters each year. Then we headed home. Were home pretty at around 22.
Finally I could see my wcup results for event 8, 16 points, and play the new level. The level turned out to be a nice one, as I played it more today. I played a lot today, as it was the only day I had to play it. Got 29.76 minutes before I had dinner. Played untill very last minute, but didn't got better. Nice work 8ball :*
New level seems pretty weird, but hopefully will get better with time.
After eating we found the place where we were going to sleep, it was in a private home. In the late afternoon we drove to an eagle park, where we saw eagles and falkons very closely. For dinner we eat at some fish buffet. Afterwards we walked around some in the duck and then headed back to sleeping place.
In the morning I showered and we had rundstykker. After packing out stuff we took the an art museum, which had some famous paintings, but who cares? Afterwards we walked around in the city some. I bought shorts, and candles and napkins for my 18th birthday. We had lunch at some china resturant. After eating we took to the beach, looked at the water and such. Afterwards we saw this sand upped church. Only a tower above ground, had expected some more, not that fun, last thing we saw were this sand dune, which moves 25 meters each year. Then we headed home. Were home pretty at around 22.
Finally I could see my wcup results for event 8, 16 points, and play the new level. The level turned out to be a nice one, as I played it more today. I played a lot today, as it was the only day I had to play it. Got 29.76 minutes before I had dinner. Played untill very last minute, but didn't got better. Nice work 8ball :*
New level seems pretty weird, but hopefully will get better with time.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Long time no see
Haven't posted in a while, don't know why, maybe just nothing really has happened.
Friday evening and was on a bus travel to german border with 4 friends shopping some for vacation. Bought soda, vodka, candy, capri sonne and DVD+R's. See the stuff here. We weren't home untill 1:30 at the night.
WCup started again after break, I didn't play the new level much, but I still managed to get an ok time, got 18 points thuogh. :D I'm now 53rd overall. Now hoping for better than just top 50. I think I'll be able to get a nice placement in next level, it is rather long level, haven't played more han 2 mins yet though.
Yesterday my brother came home for the summer. He is studying at the university in big city 1½ hour away.
Beachvolly later today, more in dept posts later. :b
Friday evening and was on a bus travel to german border with 4 friends shopping some for vacation. Bought soda, vodka, candy, capri sonne and DVD+R's. See the stuff here. We weren't home untill 1:30 at the night.
WCup started again after break, I didn't play the new level much, but I still managed to get an ok time, got 18 points thuogh. :D I'm now 53rd overall. Now hoping for better than just top 50. I think I'll be able to get a nice placement in next level, it is rather long level, haven't played more han 2 mins yet though.
Yesterday my brother came home for the summer. He is studying at the university in big city 1½ hour away.
Beachvolly later today, more in dept posts later. :b
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
So I paid for elma
A couple of days ago I suddenly decided to pay for elma, or not that suddenly, lately I've been wanting to do it now with wcup5 and such, and ofcourse been wanting to do it forever. So I did. The next day I got the email and downloaded it, I even installed from the download, just to have a "fresh" elma. :)
So yesterday I cycled on my racing bike for the first time this year. I drove to work on it. It's around 10 km, took around 25 mins, both ways. Was nice to cycle some, and I will for sure do it again, probably already tomorrow.
I had expected this week without wcup to be kinda elma free. But it has not been. Yesterday I played a danish battle or two. Today I took a single external record (wezz100.lev), and I played 1 hour tt. Which btw I won. \o/ :D
1) 01:29:46:02 balle (kopaka)
2) 01:41:49:08 toNy (infected)
3) 02:32:59:23 bongo (karesz)
4) 02:55:23:78 ReCy (sierra)
5) 03:28:02:42 isax (maala)
6) 04:56:35:61 mongo (khemp)
People just don't get that they should not try the hard styles, but maybe they played them so much they don't remember the worse styles, hehe :). Atleast I have worst real tt of those who played. :P
Today I've been doing not much, was at work though. Which eventually turned out to be the funniest day at work ever. Well, only last 40 minutes, first 110 minutes was kinda normal. Anyway my dad works there too (as IT designer), so I had to unpack 6 new pc's and put an extra RAM block into them. Might now sound that fun, but it was very fun compared to what I usually do. :D
At the way home from work I bought a 3 pack frosen pizza and two bags of chips for only 6€. The pizzas where extremely boring though, eat one for lunch. So had to put some extra ham and cheese on it myself.
Summer holiday is the best. Just watching movies and doing nothing. :P
So yesterday I cycled on my racing bike for the first time this year. I drove to work on it. It's around 10 km, took around 25 mins, both ways. Was nice to cycle some, and I will for sure do it again, probably already tomorrow.
I had expected this week without wcup to be kinda elma free. But it has not been. Yesterday I played a danish battle or two. Today I took a single external record (wezz100.lev), and I played 1 hour tt. Which btw I won. \o/ :D
1) 01:29:46:02 balle (kopaka)
2) 01:41:49:08 toNy (infected)
3) 02:32:59:23 bongo (karesz)
4) 02:55:23:78 ReCy (sierra)
5) 03:28:02:42 isax (maala)
6) 04:56:35:61 mongo (khemp)
People just don't get that they should not try the hard styles, but maybe they played them so much they don't remember the worse styles, hehe :). Atleast I have worst real tt of those who played. :P
Today I've been doing not much, was at work though. Which eventually turned out to be the funniest day at work ever. Well, only last 40 minutes, first 110 minutes was kinda normal. Anyway my dad works there too (as IT designer), so I had to unpack 6 new pc's and put an extra RAM block into them. Might now sound that fun, but it was very fun compared to what I usually do. :D
At the way home from work I bought a 3 pack frosen pizza and two bags of chips for only 6€. The pizzas where extremely boring though, eat one for lunch. So had to put some extra ham and cheese on it myself.
Summer holiday is the best. Just watching movies and doing nothing. :P
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I did make the fast end style. Saturday I found a little easier way of doing it. I played some doing the day saturday and made two finishes 1.25 and 1.20. Then after watching Star Wars IV in the evening I played again, I played untill I made it. And luckily I made it rather fast, and got 1.09. Today results were announced and yeah 26th \o/ Which more than doubled my overall points. Now 57th overall. Would be nice to get in top 50 atleast.
Saturday was first day in summer holiday (still have a single exam though), and it felt so nice. I didn't have that feeling I tend to have during weekends "only 2 days before school again, what to do, I don't want to waste the time" and such. I could just do whatever I felt like. So in the evening I saw Star Wars IV A New Hope with my family. (as you could read earlier I bought the DVD collection with the three old Star Wars movies.) It was a very long time ago I saw it last, can't really remember if I've seen it more than once before. I couldn't remember anything about what happened in the movie. So was nice to see it, especially when I've now seen the three new movies.
Saturday was first day in summer holiday (still have a single exam though), and it felt so nice. I didn't have that feeling I tend to have during weekends "only 2 days before school again, what to do, I don't want to waste the time" and such. I could just do whatever I felt like. So in the evening I saw Star Wars IV A New Hope with my family. (as you could read earlier I bought the DVD collection with the three old Star Wars movies.) It was a very long time ago I saw it last, can't really remember if I've seen it more than once before. I couldn't remember anything about what happened in the movie. So was nice to see it, especially when I've now seen the three new movies.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Somewhat confusing
This week have been somewhat confusing. Monday morning my moped wouldn't start. In the evening me and my dad cleaned the inside of the carburetter with a compressor which we bought on the way home from work. Also I cleaned a few other parts on the outside. After this it could start again, and now drove better than before also. So I drove to school tuesday, but as I was going home it wouldn't start again. :X After talking with my dad I walked to the repair man and arranged for them to see it on thursday. Then I went to work by bus and afterwards me and my dad collected my moped with trailer. Afterwards we got it running ourselves and it ran fine. So wednesday I had to call repairman and cancel. But I still had to drive past them today to collect a speedometer wire and an indicator. Also I bought some white spray paint somewhere else to paint some plastic on it. Lately I bought a magasine which had a poster with (surprise surprise) Star Wars. Not the main reason I bought it though, it also had a comedie on DVD, nice :P The magasine is called MIX, this is my new none cartoon/comp magasine now. Just don't remember to buy it very often. :/
Today in school I only did something for 5 minutes, which were fixing some errors on the website. After that I did nothing the whole day. I played a lot of wcup, looked at some computer parts and talked with friends. We are done with the project, only thing we have to do tomorrow is printing the paper and burning the website to CD. And then there is only the presentation left on friday 19th and then holiday. :D
Wcup level is going rather nice. No finishes yet though. Some parts are rather painfull. The fast ending seems to be pretty hard, but I might be able to do it. <3>
After buying the stuff I had driving lesson, work and then teoretically driving lesson. So now is max relax time. Oh by the way I took pictures from my work today, gonna show later.
Today in school I only did something for 5 minutes, which were fixing some errors on the website. After that I did nothing the whole day. I played a lot of wcup, looked at some computer parts and talked with friends. We are done with the project, only thing we have to do tomorrow is printing the paper and burning the website to CD. And then there is only the presentation left on friday 19th and then holiday. :D
Wcup level is going rather nice. No finishes yet though. Some parts are rather painfull. The fast ending seems to be pretty hard, but I might be able to do it. <3>
After buying the stuff I had driving lesson, work and then teoretically driving lesson. So now is max relax time. Oh by the way I took pictures from my work today, gonna show later.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Bowling.. I'm master
Thursday evening and Friday in school me and some of my friends decided to go bowling Friday night. Later also choosed to go swimming first.
So at around 17:45 hanson picked me up and we drove to Jesperhus (big camping place, which has bowling, swimming bath, pizza place, big flower park ect.). Except when I was in the summerhouse with swimming pool some time ago, it is very long time since I've been swimming. Nice to try again actually. We were also outside swimming, rather cold though. I haven't eaten dinner before we went there so I expected to get something to eat between swimming and bowling, but we didn't have time.
First game of bowling (10 rounds) didn't went very well, I got 95 points. But it went much better in next time where I got 137 points (personal record, beating the 12x points I got last schoolday.). We had paid for an hour, which is enough time for around two games (when beeing 4-5 players on each course.). But after the first hour we decided to pay for another hour. So 3. game didn't went that well either, I got 98 points, but was a shared first place on my course though. However in 4. game I got 133 points. My 133 and 137 points only got beaten once by one of the other when Michael got 165 :o. I've found a nice technic where I don't throw the ball very hard, but precisly. This causes that I don't get strike very often as there is needed quite much speed to get them all down. But I quite often get a spare, I got about 6 or 7 in the one game.
Afterwards we stood outside for some time talking about what to do now, but we couldn't agree on anything. After some time we all drove home, except me and two others (those two I drove to there with) who took into the city to get a pizza. It was around 23:00 and I was _REALLY_ hungry. Never eaten a pizza that fast, and also got a single slice from one of the others.
Then we drove home.
Today I attached my new posters to the wall. First I took one down, moved two, and moved one very little so there was space for another just between it.
I didn't hoyl the WCup event 6 level very much, and as expected didn't got any points, didn't like the level. However event 7 level seems very nice and I hope to win some places in standings this week.
So at around 17:45 hanson picked me up and we drove to Jesperhus (big camping place, which has bowling, swimming bath, pizza place, big flower park ect.). Except when I was in the summerhouse with swimming pool some time ago, it is very long time since I've been swimming. Nice to try again actually. We were also outside swimming, rather cold though. I haven't eaten dinner before we went there so I expected to get something to eat between swimming and bowling, but we didn't have time.
First game of bowling (10 rounds) didn't went very well, I got 95 points. But it went much better in next time where I got 137 points (personal record, beating the 12x points I got last schoolday.). We had paid for an hour, which is enough time for around two games (when beeing 4-5 players on each course.). But after the first hour we decided to pay for another hour. So 3. game didn't went that well either, I got 98 points, but was a shared first place on my course though. However in 4. game I got 133 points. My 133 and 137 points only got beaten once by one of the other when Michael got 165 :o. I've found a nice technic where I don't throw the ball very hard, but precisly. This causes that I don't get strike very often as there is needed quite much speed to get them all down. But I quite often get a spare, I got about 6 or 7 in the one game.
Afterwards we stood outside for some time talking about what to do now, but we couldn't agree on anything. After some time we all drove home, except me and two others (those two I drove to there with) who took into the city to get a pizza. It was around 23:00 and I was _REALLY_ hungry. Never eaten a pizza that fast, and also got a single slice from one of the others.
Then we drove home.
Today I attached my new posters to the wall. First I took one down, moved two, and moved one very little so there was space for another just between it.
I didn't hoyl the WCup event 6 level very much, and as expected didn't got any points, didn't like the level. However event 7 level seems very nice and I hope to win some places in standings this week.
Friday, June 03, 2005
School Project
During this and next week we have an exam project in school. It's about youth culture, in our group we have decided to focus on immigrates. We are supposed to make the assigment as a paper. Which I think has made it more fun. :) Also we could choose to make a web version of the paper or some other assigment. We easily choosed the webpage. :) I made most of it. I put it online (comments are welcome) not finished totally yet. We are atm. almost done with the paper, so plenty of time next week to prepare presentation and stuff.
Since sometime monday I moped started driving really slow on even just very small uphills. This has caused I came pretty late to school some days, and I was planning to talk with a repair man about in next week. However suddenly on the way home today it began to drive faster on uphills again, on the middle of a uphill I could hear the motor begin to run faster, and the problem was gone. Now I only hope for it to stay gone. :)
WCup event 6 level is like max sax arse balle level!!.. Impossible to make good run.
Since sometime monday I moped started driving really slow on even just very small uphills. This has caused I came pretty late to school some days, and I was planning to talk with a repair man about in next week. However suddenly on the way home today it began to drive faster on uphills again, on the middle of a uphill I could hear the motor begin to run faster, and the problem was gone. Now I only hope for it to stay gone. :)
WCup event 6 level is like max sax arse balle level!!.. Impossible to make good run.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
World Cup event 5
Event 5 is a rather nice level I think. It has a rather good hoylability though I only finished it 4 times. Sunday I played it some and together with my teammate iob I found the style, not using pipe. I choosed from the beginning to to try the pipe, as I knew I would never be able to get through it enough times to finish the level that way. I didn't complete the level sunday the superhero way. Monday I didn't really had time to play. So today I had to do the final hoyling. I started playing at 17:00 only interopted by watching King of Queens and eating dinner. I didn't finished untill a little before 21:00 when I made 49.60. I wasn't really happy with that time so I played some more and got 47.94 at around 21:20. And then I could finally see the releasing words: "record successfully added." =)
Monday I had to go from school 1½ hour earlier as I had my first driving lesson. It was 3 hours of driving with 10-25 km/h. Driving, stopping, driving stopping, turning, backwards driving and such. A little boring, but also a little fun, haven't been alone in car when driving ever, and never driving for that long time either.
Afterwards work, and then teoretically driving lesson, and then home for dinner. I left my bag at work (with laptop) and my father would take it with him home (so I didn't had to take it with me for teoretically driving lesson), but he was in Århus setting some stuff up and didn't came home before around 21:00, hence I didn't had time to play wcup.
Oh btw. my Lindsay Lohan poster arrived. :D Looking forward to getting it and the Star Wars one up on my walls (if only I can find space.).
Monday I had to go from school 1½ hour earlier as I had my first driving lesson. It was 3 hours of driving with 10-25 km/h. Driving, stopping, driving stopping, turning, backwards driving and such. A little boring, but also a little fun, haven't been alone in car when driving ever, and never driving for that long time either.
Afterwards work, and then teoretically driving lesson, and then home for dinner. I left my bag at work (with laptop) and my father would take it with him home (so I didn't had to take it with me for teoretically driving lesson), but he was in Århus setting some stuff up and didn't came home before around 21:00, hence I didn't had time to play wcup.
Oh btw. my Lindsay Lohan poster arrived. :D Looking forward to getting it and the Star Wars one up on my walls (if only I can find space.).
Sunday, May 29, 2005
So I attended this one day festival Perlefesten. At 12:00 I meet with my friends at Dyhr's place. Were we grilled, drank and such. Then at around 15:00 we drove to the festival in two cars. Those in the other car didn't drove where they had told us to drive and meet them, hence we got splitted. Me and two other for some reason joined these other people which was someone I didn't knew. We were together with them, with a short exception for some time. Which was rather boring for me atleast, as I didn't really knew them. Luckily we came by the other guys (those in the other car) at around 18:00, so I joined them, and the rest of the day became more fun. :)
Best music were Julie and this band Dodo and the dodos.
Friday night I suddenly remembered I that wouldn't be able to play saturday, so I had to make best time there. I played from 23:00 and didn't finish the level untill 1:15. Which was my 2nd finish overall. Not as good time as I had expected, but hopefully enough for a few points.
I've been thinking that I might wanna wait till after summer and WCup 5 before getting new comp atleast.
Best music were Julie and this band Dodo and the dodos.
Friday night I suddenly remembered I that wouldn't be able to play saturday, so I had to make best time there. I played from 23:00 and didn't finish the level untill 1:15. Which was my 2nd finish overall. Not as good time as I had expected, but hopefully enough for a few points.
I've been thinking that I might wanna wait till after summer and WCup 5 before getting new comp atleast.
Friday, May 27, 2005
I did some research for computer parts. While doing this and thinking more about it I became a little more sure that I wanna buy new comp stuff. What Im probably gonna buy if I'm gonna buy will be:
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ or 3200+
AMD seems to be best for gaming, which will be the main thing I'm going to use it for.
ASUS A8N-E motherboard
Has USB 2, PCI express, gigabit lan and such.
2 Kingston ValueRAM 512 MB
ASUS Extreme AX700/TD - ATI Radeon X700
Was better than Geforce 6600 and Radeon X600XT in some tests.
And some random 400 watt power supply
That will be totally 470 €. Don't know yet if I wanna buy new case and such.
Do you have any suggestions or comments please share them.
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ or 3200+
AMD seems to be best for gaming, which will be the main thing I'm going to use it for.
ASUS A8N-E motherboard
Has USB 2, PCI express, gigabit lan and such.
2 Kingston ValueRAM 512 MB
ASUS Extreme AX700/TD - ATI Radeon X700
Was better than Geforce 6600 and Radeon X600XT in some tests.
And some random 400 watt power supply
That will be totally 470 €. Don't know yet if I wanna buy new case and such.
Do you have any suggestions or comments please share them.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
New PC or nat?
Inspired by dz's latest blog entry I went out a few hours ago to check if my racing bike is ready for the summer. After a short looking at it, I couldn't find any thing that didn't work probably on it, even though it haven't been used for quite some time, so that's just nice. So instead I played a little football with our dog.
Afterwards I eat and went to second teoretically driving lesson.
Last few days I've been thinking a little about if I maybe should get new computer or upgrade the old. My laptop and my old PC can't really run any newer games and such, and also I have some money which I don't know what to use for. Just a few minutes ago my dad thrugh a PC World magasin to me, which had main headline "Custom make your own PC". So i guess I'm gonna read that article and then check which part in the old comp that can still be used. I was looking a dell's website few days ago, to see if it's cheaper to buy a complete PC that way. But there are too many things there I can't not buy so not gonna do that atleast.
Afterwards I eat and went to second teoretically driving lesson.
Last few days I've been thinking a little about if I maybe should get new computer or upgrade the old. My laptop and my old PC can't really run any newer games and such, and also I have some money which I don't know what to use for. Just a few minutes ago my dad thrugh a PC World magasin to me, which had main headline "Custom make your own PC". So i guess I'm gonna read that article and then check which part in the old comp that can still be used. I was looking a dell's website few days ago, to see if it's cheaper to buy a complete PC that way. But there are too many things there I can't not buy so not gonna do that atleast.
Star Wars
Uhh nice, Star Wars 3 soundtrack arrived today. :o~ Listening to it right now, seems nice. It also includes a DVD with music and music videos from all 6 movies. Nice!
Yesterday I finished my "Star Wars wall" see it here. I think it became pretty nice, and well I'm the one who's gonna look at the most so that's good :). Took some time too. If you can't see it the small white things are quotes from the movie.
Btw. some new guys made blogs after TJ made topic about blogging on lauta. Check them out in the navigation to the right.
Yesterday I finished my "Star Wars wall" see it here. I think it became pretty nice, and well I'm the one who's gonna look at the most so that's good :). Took some time too. If you can't see it the small white things are quotes from the movie.
Btw. some new guys made blogs after TJ made topic about blogging on lauta. Check them out in the navigation to the right.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
For some reason, maybe because my elma playing have been increasing last couple of weeks (due to wcup) I have come to think some of internals. And what I have been thinking about is that I will probably never play for TT again. When I read about internals on mopolauta I don't really care about what people write, and I don't even care to download if a nice replay is uploaded. But after all I have played them for almost three years now. However I might try to get danish record in curva or upside someday after wcup if I'm very bored. Well this also leads to another question, will I continue to play elma after wcup? Probably not, atleast only very little. However I have high expectations for some projects I'm planning. And then there is only one question left, why am I writing this when I could be playing wcup??
Anyway.. hehe.
Today I had written english year test (random test that doesn't really have any importance) which I finished after two of three hours. Afterwards it was work, and at my way home from work I stopped by Morsø Bank to buy a ticket for Perlefesten. Which is a one day festival on the island I live on, which takes place this saturday. The shop assistant in the bank looked kinda like Salma Hayek, pretty fun. At home beside the usually ircing and such I did some cutting paper. I cutted out the quotes I had printed from Star Wars 3, and attached them to the wall, beside the stills I had attached to the wall earlier. Also I started cutting out the big Star Wars letters. I will show picture when it is all done.
Holiday is NICE!
Anyway.. hehe.
Today I had written english year test (random test that doesn't really have any importance) which I finished after two of three hours. Afterwards it was work, and at my way home from work I stopped by Morsø Bank to buy a ticket for Perlefesten. Which is a one day festival on the island I live on, which takes place this saturday. The shop assistant in the bank looked kinda like Salma Hayek, pretty fun. At home beside the usually ircing and such I did some cutting paper. I cutted out the quotes I had printed from Star Wars 3, and attached them to the wall, beside the stills I had attached to the wall earlier. Also I started cutting out the big Star Wars letters. I will show picture when it is all done.
Holiday is NICE!
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith
I was in cinema both Friday and Saturday evening watching the new Star Wars movie. (Friday with family, Saturday with friends.) First time I've ever seen a movie twice in cinema, but don't regret it. It was the best movie I've ever seen, by far, and I really mean it. In the cinema the first evening I was really close beginning to cry a few times. Hadn't expected it to be that sad. Even though you know what what happens in 4th movie and so, there are still many exciting things happening. Whole saturday I was thinking of the movie, such great movie..
If you haven't yet, I REALLY recommend you to go watch it.
One of the first things I did when I got home friday was ordering the Soundtrack on CD-WoW.
As expected I didn't get any points in WCup event 3. The 4th level is a quite long, but nice one. The skint0r level in WCup 4 was the first I got points in, let's hope that this time it will be the first I get many points in. :b
If you haven't yet, I REALLY recommend you to go watch it.
One of the first things I did when I got home friday was ordering the Soundtrack on CD-WoW.
As expected I didn't get any points in WCup event 3. The 4th level is a quite long, but nice one. The skint0r level in WCup 4 was the first I got points in, let's hope that this time it will be the first I get many points in. :b
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Last school day
So yesterday was last school day. We meet at 9:00 ( I was 5 mins late as always ;) ), eat rundstykker and got out exams papers. I'm going for danish and english written exams, plus two weeks project. Next hour went by doing pretty much nothing, then we drove to the bowling place (we won bowling by being no. 2 in class tournament). First serie went not that well, I go 73 points, but the next went very well, the best I've ever done, I got 117 points, including 3 strikes where the two of them were in row. After bowling the school day was over, and I drove to work.
In the evening we had party at Rune's place. (Have written about party that place before) We meet there at 18:00 and orderen pizza's. I shared this pizza with sausages with someone else. Tasted not very well. Rest of the evening went by with some poker, random talk, some doing arm (should be written this way occording to dictionary, sound stupid) and the usually party stuff. Little tame, some had to do stuff in the morning, and this one guy got very sick. I as the last got collected by my dad at 23:40.
Last night I dreamt about an elma meeting. Taking place from today, and a few days forth. I drove there with one of my irl friends (who doesn't play elma, but did in dream I suppose) and enil. But after setting comps up we realise that the danish test is tomorrow, and have to drive home again. That's what I can remember now, I think there was a little more.
Today, first holiday day went quite quiet, have been bored most day. Got answer from PCGW (Computer magasin I get) about the missing one. Im gonna get it, but they have temporary stopped my subscription because I haven't paid. But I have, though I might have written wrong no. in Net Bank when paying. Can't figure out to check it for sure.
In the evening we had party at Rune's place. (Have written about party that place before) We meet there at 18:00 and orderen pizza's. I shared this pizza with sausages with someone else. Tasted not very well. Rest of the evening went by with some poker, random talk, some doing arm (should be written this way occording to dictionary, sound stupid) and the usually party stuff. Little tame, some had to do stuff in the morning, and this one guy got very sick. I as the last got collected by my dad at 23:40.
Last night I dreamt about an elma meeting. Taking place from today, and a few days forth. I drove there with one of my irl friends (who doesn't play elma, but did in dream I suppose) and enil. But after setting comps up we realise that the danish test is tomorrow, and have to drive home again. That's what I can remember now, I think there was a little more.
Today, first holiday day went quite quiet, have been bored most day. Got answer from PCGW (Computer magasin I get) about the missing one. Im gonna get it, but they have temporary stopped my subscription because I haven't paid. But I have, though I might have written wrong no. in Net Bank when paying. Can't figure out to check it for sure.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
13 hours and 19 minutes
When not playing WCup event 3a and with the pause between a and b it have given me some time for web designing. After formatting I lost all my newer web pages, including all of new kopasite, but luckily I had a few pages uploaded for testing, so I didn't lost everything. Anyway I used some time and made some stuff on it. Still alot of things to do, and pages to add before it's done.
Sunday I was fishing with some relatives. It was in a put and take lake. My aunt, cousin, father and mother caught each a fish. Pretty big ones two of them. My dad caught the fish in the ass, atleast the hook sat there when we got it on land. We eat those two for dinner in the evening on grill. Good stuff :b.
Today was last normal school day. But we didn't really do anything anyway. Eat some rundstykker and cakes and did nothing. Nice day. And tomorrow is last school day, finally.
13 hours and 19 minutes is time untill last school day is over.
Sunday I was fishing with some relatives. It was in a put and take lake. My aunt, cousin, father and mother caught each a fish. Pretty big ones two of them. My dad caught the fish in the ass, atleast the hook sat there when we got it on land. We eat those two for dinner in the evening on grill. Good stuff :b.
Today was last normal school day. But we didn't really do anything anyway. Eat some rundstykker and cakes and did nothing. Nice day. And tomorrow is last school day, finally.
13 hours and 19 minutes is time untill last school day is over.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
World Cup event 2 results
I got a 64th place this time. Not really what I had expected. After being suprised by getting points in the first event I might have underestimated event 2. Must play harder in upcoming events. The event 3 a level is very short hoyla lev, not my type, easy choice which to play. Though most of the time of the 2nd level is at night, but I don't have school at friday, so I have plenty of time for it.
Friday, May 13, 2005
My CD Collection
Already some time ago I wrote all my CDs into an Excel document. Wanted to make it in Acces but then I wasn't sure how to easy get it out on the internet. There are some info missing in the table but most important info are there.
48 CDs.
Btw. I have often been thinking of why people tend to dislike my music taste when I rarely see them dislike other peoples taste. It might be because I like some of that popular music, that are played in radios and on MTV and so on, so people know much of the music and like, and can therefore dislike it, when other people tell they like some music that not many people know about, they can't dislike it when they don't know it.
I got the posters ordered yesterday but didn't order the Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman ones because they were catagorized photos, so I had to paid more for getting them sent. And can always order them later if I feel like, will not cost more for delivery than if I had ordered them together with the posters I ordered yesterday.
48 CDs.
Btw. I have often been thinking of why people tend to dislike my music taste when I rarely see them dislike other peoples taste. It might be because I like some of that popular music, that are played in radios and on MTV and so on, so people know much of the music and like, and can therefore dislike it, when other people tell they like some music that not many people know about, they can't dislike it when they don't know it.
I got the posters ordered yesterday but didn't order the Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman ones because they were catagorized photos, so I had to paid more for getting them sent. And can always order them later if I feel like, will not cost more for delivery than if I had ordered them together with the posters I ordered yesterday.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The Crown of every DVD Collection
As I told before I saw ad for the Star Wars trilogy DVD collection, and luckily my father agreed to drive past the store to buy it for me when driving home from business visit somewhere down in the country. When he came home his typical humour was in use "they were totally sold out" and I was like "baah" and he was like "no they had lots" thi hi. :( Anyway I'm now really looking forward to watching them after looking at the covers and checking them out on imdb and such. :D But Star Wars 3 is up first. I'm going to watch it twice, two days just after each other. Friday 19th with my family and Saturday 20th with some friends. Star Wars mania is at the max!
Today and yesterday I've been checking out which have some 300,000 posters :O. They have a sale right now so I've chosen 2 big and 2 small ones I'm going to order later tonight. (Star Wars 3(big), Lindsay Lohan(big), Keira Knightley(small) and Amidala/Natalie Portman(small)).

World Cup 5 is going fine, I found style myself this time. I have 47,85 by now, should be able to do a little better, haven't played much today and yesterday, tomorrow will be hoyling spree. ;)
Few days ago I found and old song which I haven't heard for ages but really liked. Got so happy that I finaly got it, it is called "This time I mean it" sang by Trine Jepsen and Michael Teschl (who's father(and mother I suppose) lives in city 15km from my place and works as a doctor, he has also grown up there). It is old danish Song Contest song from 1999, which got a 8th place in the Eurovision Song Contest if I remember right. I really love her voice. :D~ To bad her band (which she joined after this) got such bad succes with their 2. album. Don't really know what she does now. :S
Today and yesterday I've been checking out which have some 300,000 posters :O. They have a sale right now so I've chosen 2 big and 2 small ones I'm going to order later tonight. (Star Wars 3(big), Lindsay Lohan(big), Keira Knightley(small) and Amidala/Natalie Portman(small)).
World Cup 5 is going fine, I found style myself this time. I have 47,85 by now, should be able to do a little better, haven't played much today and yesterday, tomorrow will be hoyling spree. ;)
Few days ago I found and old song which I haven't heard for ages but really liked. Got so happy that I finaly got it, it is called "This time I mean it" sang by Trine Jepsen and Michael Teschl (who's father(and mother I suppose) lives in city 15km from my place and works as a doctor, he has also grown up there). It is old danish Song Contest song from 1999, which got a 8th place in the Eurovision Song Contest if I remember right. I really love her voice. :D~ To bad her band (which she joined after this) got such bad succes with their 2. album. Don't really know what she does now. :S
Sunday, May 08, 2005
First event of the WCup has come to an end. Last night I played for 2½ hours without improvning my time, that makes the last 3-3½ hours hoyling with no results, baaah. But but but, when results arrived I was in between the fifteen to get points, more exact no. 49. When results were written in IRC it was very exciting as I could see as we came close position 50 that I would end up around there, so it was like, will I get points, or not... But I did and now I'm not so pissed of using that much time with no improvements.
So, what else have I been doing lately, let's see.
Yesterday I was in Ålborg visiting my big brother with my family and my fathers sister and her family. We walked around the city for some time in shops and cafes, afterwards we had coffee and my brothers place. I bought an AC Milan shirt with Tomasson on it.
Thursday I saw Star Wars 1 and Friday I saw Star Wars 2. So now I am ready for watcing Star Wars 3 in about two weeks, _really_ looking forward to see it. At my brothers place I saw an ad for the 3 old movies collection box for sale for 250 kr. (33€). I'm gonna buy that sometime this week, hopefully my parents will drive me to the store :).
Now there is only one full week and then 3 school days the next week till I it's over. :P
So, what else have I been doing lately, let's see.
Yesterday I was in Ålborg visiting my big brother with my family and my fathers sister and her family. We walked around the city for some time in shops and cafes, afterwards we had coffee and my brothers place. I bought an AC Milan shirt with Tomasson on it.
Thursday I saw Star Wars 1 and Friday I saw Star Wars 2. So now I am ready for watcing Star Wars 3 in about two weeks, _really_ looking forward to see it. At my brothers place I saw an ad for the 3 old movies collection box for sale for 250 kr. (33€). I'm gonna buy that sometime this week, hopefully my parents will drive me to the store :).
Now there is only one full week and then 3 school days the next week till I it's over. :P
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
So it begins
Yesterday world cup 5 finally started. After playing quite some these two days I've gotten in max wcup mood. :D At first the level seemed quite stupid, but after figuering out style ( national coorperation is the best, as long as the fins not begin with it ;) ) it became a nice level. Should be able to get some under 1 min time.
After tomorrows school day we have a short holiday, thursday and friday are off. That means more time for Wcup hoyling, yay. Beside I might watch Star Wars 1 and 2, so I've seen them again before watching the 3rd in cinema. Also we are visiting my older brother in Ålborg.
I wonder is it happy I'm feeling? I think so, probably because it's vacation and such, also worries are at a minimum. heh ;) whatever
15 till school is over, with only 9 school days. :DD
After tomorrows school day we have a short holiday, thursday and friday are off. That means more time for Wcup hoyling, yay. Beside I might watch Star Wars 1 and 2, so I've seen them again before watching the 3rd in cinema. Also we are visiting my older brother in Ålborg.
I wonder is it happy I'm feeling? I think so, probably because it's vacation and such, also worries are at a minimum. heh ;) whatever
15 till school is over, with only 9 school days. :DD
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Adams Æbler
I can hereby remove the following from the About me page on my site:
"I have never been in the cinema with other than my family.."
I have just gotten home, I was in the cinema with 4 friends watching the new danish movie "Adams Æbler". Rather sick/crazy movie, but had some fun moments. Some mongo kids sitting behind us, with absolutely no sense for humor laughing of nothing ruined it a bit.
Today Stacie Orrico - Live in Japan and Busted - A Ticket for everyone arrived with the mail, btw. also Evanescence - Far from home arrived on Saturday. Evanescence DVD also have a CD with the songs so I've only heard that so far, it sounds nice.
Today has been used backupping some data as I'm getting a format tomorrow.
Minor headache has been going on for 2½ days now I think, maybe I should do some more drugs? (hereby meaning headache pills) ;-)
"I have never been in the cinema with other than my family.."
I have just gotten home, I was in the cinema with 4 friends watching the new danish movie "Adams Æbler". Rather sick/crazy movie, but had some fun moments. Some mongo kids sitting behind us, with absolutely no sense for humor laughing of nothing ruined it a bit.
Today Stacie Orrico - Live in Japan and Busted - A Ticket for everyone arrived with the mail, btw. also Evanescence - Far from home arrived on Saturday. Evanescence DVD also have a CD with the songs so I've only heard that so far, it sounds nice.
Today has been used backupping some data as I'm getting a format tomorrow.
Minor headache has been going on for 2½ days now I think, maybe I should do some more drugs? (hereby meaning headache pills) ;-)
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Friday before dinner I was going to see Anger Manegement, but then I saw that Antz was in danish TV2, so I decided to watch that instead. Not often I catch a good movie in TV, and at a time that suits me. Still nice movie :). After the movie we (my family) visited family friend for dinner.
Saturday at 12 o'clock I drove to Lødderup (approx. 12 km) to play football with some friends. At 2 o'clock we took into Nykøbing to get a pizza and afterwards we took back to the stadion to play some more. We played untill 16:45. I was pretty tired afterwards, but it was very nice afternoon.
For dinner me and my family took on Italian resturant, celebrating my parents 24 years wedding day, which was a few days ago.
Just now my grandparents and my mothers brother has been visiting for coffe. :)
I've taken a little break with the curva hoyling and cruised some olliz levels when I was bored.
8 days till WCup 5.
24 days till school is over. It's getting close. :D
Saturday at 12 o'clock I drove to Lødderup (approx. 12 km) to play football with some friends. At 2 o'clock we took into Nykøbing to get a pizza and afterwards we took back to the stadion to play some more. We played untill 16:45. I was pretty tired afterwards, but it was very nice afternoon.
For dinner me and my family took on Italian resturant, celebrating my parents 24 years wedding day, which was a few days ago.
Just now my grandparents and my mothers brother has been visiting for coffe. :)
I've taken a little break with the curva hoyling and cruised some olliz levels when I was bored.
8 days till WCup 5.
24 days till school is over. It's getting close. :D
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